Shouldn't the Night Elves build their capital in Ashenvale?

Might I just say that I love the catty argument between the Nelf and NB. It’s like watching reality tv.


Teldrassil was grown in the four years between the end of WC3 and the start of WoW.

Okay, Granny-face.


Night Elves aren’t even arm candy since they aren’t even concubines in Karazhan or Black Temple. I feel like Blizzard hates their guts.


This thread is starting to remind me of this meme with the elves arguing



Sorry Mr.Fridge, what did you say?

I’m built like a locomotive. You have the posture of a saddle-sore man, the face of a grandmother, and your men are locked into an expression of permanent disgust.


Unfortunately i have to agree. What has been done to Tyrande and Malfurion over time story wise and some of the ridiculous things that have gone on…just don’t put those characters in a good light. As with all Alliance leadership they only exist to move story/plot lines along and don’t act in a realistic manner for beings that are thousands of years old and seemingly almost immortal.

The whole Tyrande having a temper tantrum at Anduin’s behest to wait until he had personnel available to get to Teldrassil was ridiculous.


Didn’t you guys get the memo?

The new Night Elf Capital will be called Stormdrassil which will be grown/built upon the ruins of Stormwind!


I can agree about our men, but you can’t talk about us when the only difference between you and an ogre is the fact that you smell like dead fish.

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that’s big talk coming from someone that used to look like Voldemort with purple paint. and no thanks, i prefer to stick to the more… how do i say this… youthful clothing stores. but feel free to go without me, i hear they’re having a senior-citizens discount

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I smell like salt thank you, I’m not a Murloc.

I can talk about you. My character model had love and work into it. You look like wet spaghetti stuffed into an elf suit.

I fail to see the youthful in dressing like a Saberon, might want to look your definitions again.

I’m pretty fine with my age, I’m like a good wine, talking about which, gotta have one of those

I can se the love, extra Mc Donald’s for you cutie pie.

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Ladies, ladies! Stop fighting, you’re both beautiful!


more like blue cheese, getting moldier with each passing day :heart:


Okay, that was rough even for me

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ah, no hard feelings, we are related after all… and at least we dont look like those dreadful thalassian elves… have you seen those ears?!


It makes sense. I’m beefy, you look like bleu cheese.

I was going to say the same, imagine mingling with HOOMANS. Not my thing

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