Shouldn't the Night Elves build their capital in Ashenvale?

While becoming yet another NE culture to become addicted to a font of power. It is almost like the “tree elves” were the only ones with any self control.

Notices the elves arguing in this thread and pulls out the :popcorn:

More on topic - i would like to see blizzard turn the giant trees in feralas, duskwood, etc (all the ones connected to the emerald dreamway) into smaller versions of teldrassil - not continent sized but smaller, new night elf villages.

Excuse me, the topic is elves bad mouthing each other. You are now off topic. If you want to be on topic then please find your nearest Horde elf and insult them.

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I would think that would be nice

On that note, I’d have to say the Alliance has the real OG elves while the Horde have the fake Blood Elves that’re just a shadow of their former selves. The void elves too are pretty, meh.

That would involve the night elves, who are alliance characters, making a dynamic and aggressive move near horde territory.

And Alliance characters aren’t allowed to do that. Sure, maybe back in Warcraft 3 when the Night elves were much more interesting race, of super religious, xenophobic recluses who acted on their own ambition.

But that can’t happen anymore, because the Night elves are part of the Alliance. The only thing they get to do is be goody two shoes, and be completely squeaky clean, and occasionally further the plot when it suits the Horde.