Shouldn't the Night Elves build their capital in Ashenvale?

I always thought Ashenvale was pretty much the homeland of the Night Elves back in 2002-2003. I remember actually being pretty disappointed how underwhelming the Night Elf civilization in Ashenvale was during Vanilla WoW, the lore I thought made it pretty clear that the nelfs had been living between Ashenvale and Hyjal for over 10k years.

Isn’t Ashenvale their native homeland?


Tree Elves, they’re not fit to live in a real city.


at least we didnt choose to hide from our problems, bubble girl.


I don’t think Blizzard ever let the Night Elves show any sort of prominence concerning a show of strength involving Ashenvale.


no, you just failed miserably at solving them.


ha, thats rich coming from an elf that almost go obliterated by their own addictions… twice.


I don’t know how to feel about the irony of this situation.

Or this one…

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You shared them with the rest of the class.

At least my fashion sense is not all about leaves and leather bikini, hippie elf


We of the Horde will put the Ash into Ashenvale :grin:


hisses at you


it’s called natural beauty darling, something you’d know nothing about


Oh darling, there’s a big difference between natural beauty and primitive flavour, I might introduce you to some troll friends of mine, you might like their things.

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Apparently the gutter of Stormwind is their home now, Blizzard likes it that way. Then they gave the Horde the much less wussy Nightborne.

“Stupid wussy Alliance! Couldn’t even protect a tree! AHAHAHAHA! Alliance carebears!” - Blizzard Team.


I think the lore back in wc3 days was that they didnt have a true capitol as far as a city was concerned. They just lived on and around mt hyjal. After the war of the ancients the night elves tried to keep government to a minimum.

Things got either retconned or added to with wow, but from what i remember originally in warcraft 3 there was no Teladrissil or night elf cities at all.

primitive? hardly. besides, what would you know about modern fashion? you’ve been locked in isolation for 10,000 years. if you ask me, you’re wardrobe needs a little update honey :wink:

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Unfortunately not because if they ever let the Night Elves have strength then it takes away from Org. and the Orc’s unfortunately. I mean the Night Elves only exist as the race that needs saving…always.

They certainly have never been allowed to be the Night Elves of WC3, just arm candy that always gets run over.


In the Frozen Throne, there were 2 Night Elf house models added to the game, and they were shown to be under attack from Illidan and the Naga.

They were shown to represent cities/towns

Imagine being locked for 10.000 years and managing to look better than you, someone really let trees get the better of them.
But I can take you to some of our best stores in Suramar, just because I’m feeling nice.

oh that was good, it’s must’ve taken a lot of willpower to think that one up with all those void whispers in your head clouding that little brain of yours.