Should you ask mages for water on BGs?

I imagine you clean house too on that level 84

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You shouldn’t have to ask. Good mages did/do share it.

Still best to come prepared, esp if you don’t feel like dealing with uppity mages. Best water is in AV anyway.

I wouldn’t enter a BG as a mage without a bagful of (free) water to share, but that’s just me.

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My favorite is when you load into a battleground and someone just opens trade with you. They don’t ask first, whisper, or anything. If you wait about 30 seconds with the window open, they might ask haha.

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Sure you can ask for anything. As a warlock I give them a HS in trade for water. Not too bad a trade in a BG if you ask me. A button click for a button click.

EDIT: Just don’t give me any of that lvl 45 Toilet water. You can keep that, would rather go oom and die.


This sort of outreach works wonders. I have something similar macro’d.


You mean an epic 1v1 and warlock buffer with side heal and buff hustle?

Ask away man.

When I get into AV, if I have no food/water, I ask immediately. Then ask for healthstones too. Inquire about a few buffs.

Groups not set up? I’ll ask for assist and build them.

It’s a team, and the more everyone works as such the better off everyone is.

Ask early when you get in and nicely. If they dont respond, ask someone else. Glhf :slight_smile:

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you’ve said too much

If mages don’t want to be healed, then they don’t have to give water.


You could always farm for an hour or two.

I’ll give water if asked. If a trade window opens up though without anything being said, that’s another story.

I can’t make water for everyone and buff Arcane brilliance on everyone and get my mana back before the BG starts though.


Love this. If you are a Ret or Shadow, this means don’t ask me for water. I’ll give feral druids water in WSG only, not AB.

I don’t give water to obvious macros
Gotta put in some effort for those tasty treats

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i mean they got like 2 minutes they can spam out a few, better than losing nodes to people just being oom or only got partial mana sucking down that 45 water


What if I told you I have a %t in there?


Mage here - Though not Classic. As a mage, it doesn’t bother me honestly… I need it to as I’m arcane xD

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I just come with like 3-400 waters made. Tell people to trade for water. Buffs appreciated.


Ask politely, wait for response, don’t bother them if they don’t respond or don’t give you any water.

There’s no drawback to a polite request. Anyone who’s offended by that isn’t worth dealing with anyway.


If you just open a window and say nothing, I ignore you. Ask and if I can, you will receive.


Dunno, i normally carry 5 stacks of AD juice boxes.
(No not just for playing a BG)
Dont think i have ever asked for water, i have had it handed to me
i usually cancel and say than you but im good there.

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You can’t get water if you don’t ask!

Personally whenever I’m waiting for the queue to pop/gates to open I’m making water and food. I don’t stop until my bag is full. I give out at least a couple hundred of each and every AV.

I feel like in some small way it could potentially help win the game. I understand being DPS, running in DPSing your mana away, dying, and just respawning with full mana. That is a strat that works great 90% of the time. Imagine you’re on offense sitting at RH/Aid Station and waiting for it to cap and your healers and DPS are OOM and can’t die to regen because they would have to run through a wall of Horde/Alliance to get back to you. The only way you are going to succeed is if everyone has water.

Because I’m handling all of the water/food I don’t do any buffing before the start of the match. There are tons of other mages usually and no one seems to complain that I’m not buffing others if they don’t have to hand out conjured stuff.

For all you mages out there check out the water dispenser addon on curse. Combine that with a simple macro for “/s Just open trade for water/food!” and you literally have 2 buttons to click. One for your macro to advertise for trades and one to accept each trade.