Should WoW be more...metal?

Yes, WoW should return to its heavy metal, Frank Frazetta sword and sorcery roots.
Or even better, evolve to the slam metal era. Nothing but pure edge and chaos.

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We will have to see, we have Turalyon right now too, who seems to have taken the place of Genn Greymane as the more military type.

Baelgrim was another character in that direction, I don’t want to spoil a lot, but the last time we interact with him, it was pretty metal.

The thing is, I think, as they try to distance themselves from the Alliance vs Horde theme, they need to add less aggressive character types.

As long as the story is interesting I really don’t care for archetypes


Given how every single person who comes here with a complaint claims that the sub numbers went down because of their specific complaint, yeah I’d say the sub numbers do a lot of lying.

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By metal are we talking like Heavy Metal magazine? It would be nice to see people list the kind of male character they want to see outside of WoW characters. What is the archetype that you are looking for.

Do you want the Hulk? James Bond? Jack Reacher (not Tom Cruise)?

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Sorry, I disagree. I think we need to add a multi-racial (possibly orc/dwarf to bridge Alliance and Horde), genderfluid, handicapped, free thinker with a diverse skin tone and a gender studies degree to the game to lead the Horde. Only then will we achieve true balance.

They don’t release direct sub numbers, but they do investor releases which describe the success of the game and monthly active users (MAU).

For Q3 2019 (when it released) (can’t link but its easily googleable):

“World of Warcraft® Classic drove the biggest quarterly increase to subscription plans in franchise history, in both the West and East.”

Quite interesting for a 15 year old game with outdated graphics to beat every other release to that point.

I want Conan the Barbarian and Sonya the Red.


I think today’s WoW is more along the lines of Billy Strings. And that’s mighty okay with me. See ya!

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Enlighten me.

I mean, more metal? yea. Metal is great, but let’s not forget Lita Ford was pretty metal. Joan Jett, D’arcy too


"I agree I am by no means saying women = bad

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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

Are we talking movies or comics? Blizzard really needs to do something with the Vrykul their models are still so good.


Only the male characters.

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[quote=“Zenirra-wyrmrest-accord, post:32, topic:1933149, full:true”]
There have been some questionable allied races joining our two factions [/quote]

*looks at poster"

You don’t say . . .

Original comics, just hardcore brutal fantasy.


Same post, different character… I dont know how many times.

wow was metal in BC days.

Lv70 ETC anyone???

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I couldn’t stand the RTS playstyle so never saw the first three games through any other lens than watching my friends play them.

Wasn’t even super hyped about this at it’s start, as blizz was the irreverent inside-joke-making dev who didn’t really seem to respect the genre.

In 2024 they are trying to make the characters approach from a human angle, all flawed and scarred and like that, being “metal” (ie being a metaphysical dimwit with high str and low wis and int) is not a priority now and I’m not sure it ever really has been.

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Yes, it’s way to soft these days.


couldnt agree more