Should WoW be more...metal?

I: hope the conversation can be productive. I am not one of those “women hating oh no people have darker skin its scary” kind of people. I don’t say soy or care if there is a strong female lead. I like all the characters in TWW even the new baddie.

But should there be some balance? Like we lost Varian and got Anduin a complex character who isnt bad but he is very emotional and takes a bit to get his moxy going. Thrall is all chill and nutered feeling. The future king of Ironforge is a soft scolar dwarf. LK got wrecked by Silvanas.

We lose a pretty powerful character this xpac (at least he is gone so far). I am just wondering if the development team is purposly moving away frrom the hard stoic or “aggressive” characters that WoW used to have in abundance. Like seeing Anduin try to do what his dad did felt pale and I don’t hate Anduin as a character.

Idk maybe I’m wrong, but I’m ready for a giant bloodthirsty Orc or a BA human king to step up and do something metal.


blightboar has entered the chat


What? Metal?

What kind of metal? Titanium, bronze or a nice aluminum alloy?



I give a few hours for the forum police to delete this thread, just like they have deleted several others. :confused:


funnily enough the dude that interviewed chris said people think older wow was way more metal jokingly. and then he said times change and people mature


When exactly did this super metal version of WoW happen?

This game launched with cartoon cows and small funny looking people.


Lead. Soft.

But also very heavy, dense, and toxic.

There are many similarities.


Yeah, that would be cool.


Yes, most people liked the old style better. The sub numbers don’t lie. All the warcraft games have always had whimsical elements and jokes and such, but they were still grounded and took the main story and characters seriously.


I think as we get older, more and more people want an adult contemporary WoW.

WTF does “metal” mean now?


No, what you’re seeing is selection bias and bottlenecking, where most people left the game and those who remain are those who like or tolerate the new style. There’s like 5-10% of the peak sub count left playing, and there’s very little new player growth. Obviously all games decline in population over time and vanilla is very old, but the huge success of the classic wow release says that market is still there, they just aren’t catering to it.


Hmm so soft is toxic interesting. WHat are your thoughts on Steel?

Yah dude imagine an 80s Iron Maiden soundtrack.

I like it.


That you can trust.


So if the older types are gone, based on your statement, the smart thing would be to focus on pleasing those who remain.

Keeping in mind that all these statistics are pure guesswork


Judas Priest should play every time we slaughter the paladins in the Priory.


They make way more money off less subs than they did when the game had 12mil subs. WoW token and MTX.


I saw that I just wonder if we can’t have both?

It’s not destiny that those players or people like them remain gone. As I say, classic brought a huge number of people back, who liked the old style more. Those are the two options, they could optimize further to try to maintain the current players, or they could try to understand why 90% of their players left. That market is still there, they’re just playing other things. Very popular recent games like Elden Ring have a darker tone than WoW, many of those people are the types that used to like WoW but don’t play any more (or are young and haven’t considered it), many (including myself), because they don’t like the storytelling and tone, which is lamer than it used to be.

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