Should WoW be more...metal?

Just look at the official art since Warcraft. And Tauren are pretty metal when they want to be.

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The entire MMO genre is smaller than WoW was at its peak. That there’s millions waiting to return is a myth.

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This is true, and that’s probably part of their business model, to more heavily monetize knowing that will drive off a number of people, but those that remain spend more. I don’t like it, but it’s logical in a sense.

I think it comes down to what you want to focus on.

WoW is more The Nightmare Before Christmas than Resident Evil.

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The MMO genre was not big before WoW. WoW brought in players because it was an exceptional game. People have this fatalism about the thing. There are more people gaming and alive now than in 2004. They can absolutely bring in both new young players and people who have lapsed if the quality is there. Ask people playing other games why they didn’t play DF and many will say because it looks lame and soy. That is a problem. Elden Ring doesn’t get that, and it brought in millions of players into an entirely new world, because the quality is there and people want to be in that world. I’m not saying that there aren’t people who like the current tone of WoW, and that’s fine if they do, but I don’t think it appeals as much to the broader market, which generally tends to go to more hard-nosed fantasy content. Having a metal vibe was part of the original style and allure of warcraft. Just look at the old Metzen artwork from the early games.

It seems to me they made the mistake a lot of corporations, artists, bands, etc. do when they have big success, which is that they try to continue broadening the market and appeal to everyone until the product is very diluted of what made it unique, the original niche loses interest, and the ‘cool’ factor is gone.


Not sure if metal is the right word but I get what you mean and yes I think so.
Warcraft has become a big CW show lol

BFA had remnants of cool little bits of that warcraft feeling.

But this ain’t it now.


ima be honest i cant even ask for cooler stuff on the trading post without being attacked and called immature because i like edgier stuff, on these forums

“the post isnt for u!!”

as if flowers and fairy wings are “mature” lol


Should WoW be more…metal?

Maybe they could add more music from Metacilla, Van Halen or Black Sabath.

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Does that horde band still play in game?

That’s a fantasy. WoW isn’t going to have a second coming. They have a business model that works using the current demographics, and the earnings reports back it up with solid data. They aren’t going to risk it on some fantasy about a return to the glory days. Not when the current way is more profitable.

Ask yourself this. When has a video game, or even a TV series that was once extremely popular but has gotten much less so over the years been able to go back to those former numbers in any sustainable way?

Twelve million player WoW was as much a pop culture phenomenon as anything, and like disco, break dancing, and lolcats, there will always be some following it, but the days of hype where it was the new shiny thing everyone was talking about are gone, and won’t be coming back.

Darkmoon Faire

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Thats what I mean though there should be stuff for everyone.

I agree, I miss the warcraft that made it World of Warcraft. The faction war has completely dissipated. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a third faction form yet, one big enough to rival the Horde and Alliance. There have been some questionable allied races joining our two factions that would’ve been better in a third, ambivalent faction. It would be neat to see this happen in the future.


As I’ve said, you can see this isn’t true because they literally returned to the old days by re-releasing classic WoW and had one of their best sub quarters in ages despite it being a 20 year old product. The market is obviously still there, they just aren’t appealing to it in retail as much as they used to.

I agree though, they don’t take risks any more because they’re afraid of alienating their current audience, but this is another symptom of their decline, an unwillingness to try to innovate or make bold moves, which Blizzard did not suffer from in the past.


Adamantium, doi

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Seems appropriate that I’m listening to BabyMetal while reading this thread.


It brought people back, for awhile, but don’t pretend you know the sub numbers because none of us do.


I don’t know that its about neing back to the numbers of Wrath nut they pbviopsly feel things need to change as they are trying to innovate and then bringing Metzen back.

:I just think the game always have some balance in themes.

There’s a VERY cool new video on YouTube called “Warcraft 2077”. Look it up and enjoy :slight_smile:

As for this forum (and other such platforms)? They’re FAR too lost to postmodernist / neo-Maoist cultist trolls. Don’t even bother trying to evade the thought police because their bullying will never cease. Just ignore them and don’t feel guilty for standing and wanting this game to remain escapist and entertaining by pertaining to reality and making individual human beings think about values, rather than a hivemind of robots nod at superficialities.

Unfortunately, there are people like that also at the helm behind corporate decision making, since academia inculcates and graduates this disposition like a cult (and I know because I am in that environment), causing companies to act against their own interests. In entertainment, this manifests as destruction of intellectual properties and merit-based characterization for the increasing spreading of divisive ideologies and politicization.

Everywhere you see little symptoms of a larger problem. Anyone can read patterns and come to conclusions. The world has fully embraced an anti-real, anti-human philosophy. And so, we are regressing and imploding. It’s not just change for its own sake, or for a softening population. It’s calculated demoralization. We should try to hold onto what is good for as long as we can. That, or creating new entertainment as is increasingly happening.

People who care about modern values, freedom of thought, and entertainment, need to wake up to reality and stand their moral ground. Resist the gaslighting and dismiss anti-human ideas as they deserve to be. 2+2=4.


You have a very narrow minded view of what it means to be “metal”

partly metal, partly real.