Should WoW be more...metal?

maybe some yazz flute.

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With the races we have now don’t see any to be a fit but if we got the Broken Ones from Legion I can see some good npcs with that fantasy happening.

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I hoping the Emperor of The Light or what ever his title is will fill that role actually.

I loved seeing aggressive Baine in DF for the Tauren questlines and would love to see more characters get some bite back for sure.

We could get that out of Turalyon if he goes pure “Arrrrgh for the Light!”

But ATM we’ll have to see them made but like we haven’t been in a story where those born of fire can be forged in a hot minute the world is mostly at peace and until we get into Midnight and Last Titan I don’t know if we’ll get events that can forge that more metal character.

The thing that made old Thrall and Varian great were the conflicts that molded them. That original WoW comic with Varian as Lo’Gosh was awesome! But like if we throw that metal character in for no reason in the current world state without a good story and circumstances they’ll stick out like a sore thumb.

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I wouldn’t say Varian fits that description. Also there are many types of human experience and a balanced story shouldn’t focus on one.

One of the reasons Shadowlands was such a disappointment to me personally is that we were adventuring through hell, but most “metal” thing I recall was Garrosh getting purple nurples.
I guess the burning of Tyldrassil was black metal.


foresaken druids with drust forms. that would be metal.

sylvanas is the most metal character ever

what is more metal than ripping apart the lich king’s helmet with your bare hands?

illidan was pretty metal. “I am my scars!!!” and when attacked after just blasting the naaru apart with his eyes, he catches a 2h sword with his bare hands. metal…

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Yeah the Jailer should have been this nightmare-ish Diablo like villain… Instead we got sad robot.


People keep wanting Turalyon to go full Deus Vult but he’s never slightly shown the inclination to do that besides that time he tried to gank Illidan, and who hasn’t wanted to do that every now and then?

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Yeah the only other times we see it is in visions and what could be. But you know… The death of a child can send one over the edge… Why am I now plotting Arator’s (sp) death in my head lol

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People get too caught up in style over substance.

The member berry crowd like to trot out WoD when they say, “Remember when WoW had grit and edge?” And blizzard was calling everything about it savage for their marketing? And a bunch of people got hyped and 10 mil people played? Yeah, they always leave out the part where that expansion had one of the steepest population drop offs in the history of the game because there wasn’t much else beyond the flashy cinematic. Just making it more “metal” means nothing by itself.

I loved Legion so much!!!

To me Varian did start off in Wrath as a hot head but he got a lot of character growth. At the end he was a pretty well rounded character. I am okay with seeing how characters grow and change but it happens so slow in WoW.

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But what you are talking about is bad writing or not earning the moments. Plus didn’t WoD have a huge content drought?

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That’s the point. As long as we’re getting good content, the aesthetic of the game isn’t as important to me. Other players seemed to feel the same seeing as they didn’t stick around for WoD when it was the savage expansion, which is basically equivalent to what the OP is asking for.

I just want both. I am enjoying the story of TWW just that part feels missing to me.

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Like Conan the Barbarian but in Azeroth.

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Statements that are inherently difficult to believe.

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I think I totally agree tbh. I really miss some of the gritty, dark vibes of The Burning Crusade and Wrath. The bloodiness of war and the realism of trauma and grief that was expressed in soldiers and commanders alike. The talk of seeing your people get used as footstones for a path with their skeletons literally flattened? We’re missing the rawness of battle here. I’m hoping things will change since I got some diablo vibes in some of the side quests of Hallowfall. Blizzard has catered way too much to kids these recent years.

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I’m sorry its hard to believe, I blame the current climate. I want both and then it feels compplete as a story to me.
