Should we have wow token too?

Sure, I’d love to be able to fund five months of game time with an afternoon of work.

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It’s effectively already here. Get a wow token, trade gold for classic gold/via a middleman. The only thing blizzard would need to do is cut out the middleman.

Please no.

That is such a lazy solution to bots. The concept of classic not being pay to win is crucial to vanilla and I don’t think many would welcome that change.

yeah sure let’s do this too why not

already nearly 200g again on Fairbanks

You would be remembering wrong, especially since you mentioned camping my “Marshal Tauren” in that other thread. You claiming to camp anyone, when flying mounts exist, is laughable. Oh, let’s not forget potions to deepholm, or invis potions, or even bubble hearth.

I must have rustled your jimmies pretty bad, for you to remember my name all these years later,and lie about camping me, lmfao. I have no clue who you are, and I bet that enrages you even further.

China banned 120k BOTS even with the WoW Token
Retail is filled of bots even with the WoW Token (

But yeah yeah, WoW Token sure greatly help lol.
It only help the lazy players to buy golds instead of having to farm & create inflation

No, I remember you being a Marshal dueling outside of IF when you were in Lost Legion. I remember camping you clearly because that was the moment I realized just how bad some of those rank 12+ players from Vanilla were.

Camping a paladin, in a game where bubble hearth exists, sure thing buddy. On top of flying mounts, and invis pots/deepholm. You are a liar, and you should feel bad.

I’m not a liar, but that’s okay buddy. I could pull out my old PC and dig through my screenshots and probably find something. I’m almost positive this was in Cataclysm and Bubble hearth wasn’t possible at that time.

I don’t even remember what I said to upset you so much.

Go ahead and dig them up, because it never happened.

Also, I’m not upset, but you sure were last time you talked with me on the forums. You were so mad, that you wrote offensive posts that were deleted.

Dude, is it really that hard to believe that someone whose highest arena rating was 1750 was camped by someone who can go on a new class in arena and win 100 games in a row (on a rogue, I can log on and you can see my total of 133 games ever played) all the way to 2300 rating?

Lol, I never cared about arena, and hardly played after vanilla, that’s why your fake story is so astounding.

Like I said, potions to deepholm. It was impossible to camp somebody in cata. Also, I was Tauren for maybe a week at most, as I went to play other games, like the Star Wars mmo.

I think we were leveling in Hyjal or something.


Nvm it was 146 games ever played, probably could have went to 2700 or so but I hate arena and this was just to shush the trash talking forums up:

Not sure why you are comparing a Cata Rogue in 2s (the bracket that awards no titles), to a Ret Paladin, but whatever floats your boat.

I did get 2200 in RBGs around this time (Alliance side), and did get like 1970ish in 3s arena doing 3dps, but unfortunately the website no longer shows exactly what rating you stopped at if it didn’t meet the threshold for the achievement. I would have gotten higher, but got bored, and SWTOR had just came out.

I could go on all morning back and forth, but I have to get some work done, lol.

Rather have Tokens than limit my play to a few hours a day.

If Blizz had no tokens anywhere, then the bots would be more spread out. But because only smaller part of WoW has no tokens, that smaller part has all the botters funneled into it.

Its worse now that China cant bot, because now all the Chinese botters are here too.

There will always be shady real money transactions in WoW. If it’s not gold for cash it will be cash for BWL carries or whatever. The problem right now is that there is too much gold in the game. It’s just been around so long that anyone who cares to learn can farm thousands and thousands of gold per week, so inflation will hurt everything. But if you aren’t farming your own gold, the only way to overcome that is to buy it. People having way too much gold is a problem in retail too, but there they’ve added massive one-off gold sinks like the 5 million gold mount event they did just to try and take money out of the economy. But wow classic doesn’t have that type of gold sink to reduce inflation.

If they added tokens, I would like to see the system tweaked so that it also functions as a MASSIVE gold sink. So for example, if someone buys a token for real money from blizzard, and then sells it in game, blizzard also gets a cut, and deletes, a portion of the gold involved in that transaction. So hypothetically person A buys a token for $15, and it goes on the AH. Person B buys said token for 2000 gold. I would like to see blizzard take 75% of that as a brokerage fee or whatever. Person A gets 500 gold for their $15 token, and person B gets a month of game time for 2000 gold. (Numbers all made up for the sake of discussion). Otherwise, tokens really dont do anything to address the problem of extreme inflation, which is part of the reason gold sellers have a market to begin with.

Implying Blizzard doesn’t just sell gold and delete gold spent on tokens.

While I don’t like the wow token, and would prefer Blizz to combat the bots properly. I also wouldn’t mind them since I farm more than enough gold to pay for my accounts via the tokens. Would make the game “free” for me. If Blizz wants to lose my monthly sub, so I can pay for it via stupid easy to farm in-game gold, fine. Other players can pay my sub for me :joy: