Should we have wow token too?

I’m just gonna say it. I’d accept wow tokens for classic and the drop in price of gold that would follow over these band aids that blizzard is using to deal with bots.

This is an embarrassment.


I am fine with wow tokens. We are way past #nochanges at this point. It worked In retail, it works in China classic, and similar gametime items work in other games.


Regardless of anything else, it would not surprise me if they added it.

It’d at least put a stop to the gold farming and not only is it a much cheaper solution for them than actually combating bots, but it’s actively profitable.

This really reads like you buy gold.


This really reads like you’re not following the situation in wow classic. I’ve earned every bit of gold I use in game.

I just believe that since people are going to buy gold no matter what and blizzard is incapable or unwilling to use cheat detect software against bots in an effective way we might as well take the Chinese solution which has completely decimated the bot populations there. That is why botting has gotten even worse in the past few months. Chinese bots can only sell US/EU wow gold now.

Do you enjoy having your game exploited to the point of complete illegitimacy? Because that is what is happening now.

Bots have been noclipping and flyhacking thru instances for months and instead of using cheat detection to ban the cheaters they have put an arbitrary punishment on the entire playerbase.

Do you like the taste of boot in your mouth?


You said you’d accept the tokens and the drop in price of gold that would follow.

This reads like you already buy gold.

Give us tokens.

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If I could get my lockouts back, then sure, this would be fine and I would buy gold. I just want to farm instances for my gears, and I have a lot of alts so the changes completely ruined my playstyle.

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You don’t understand the drop in price of gold leads to botters having to retire and find a real job.

I do understand that, all I was saying was the way you typed that sentence out made it sound like you were personally invested in the price of gold.

I wouldn’t bother arguing with that Paladin. From what I remember, he gets off on nitpicking your posts until you give up, or he slips up and gets mad and has to delete his posts.

Lol, no. I bought gold when I was a kid who didn’t know how to play the game however , and then I traded my account which was stolen later so I’ve learned my lesson with illicit services for wow.

It’s time we legitimately look at this situation and find a way to fix it before black lotus is back to 200g+ on every high pop server.

Also I wouldn’t mind using my legitimate gold farming abilities to pay for my subscription since I refuse to play retail.


Blizz will announce it as a solution to botting in the next few weeks.

Just another way of sneakily giving us something we never wanted (mega servers, layering)

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I understand where you’re coming from but the solution is better than continuing to allow gold selling bots to run rampant thru servers for months and eventually years on end the way they have on retail. This is not vanilla, this is classic.

Honestly, I’d accept a wow token over this instance lock crap, i’d love to have neither to deal with but this is america.

This feel right here is EXACTLY what Blizz is hoping for.
They know people don’t actually want WoW tokens, but if they let the game get clogged and horrible enough with bots, and claim (even if rightfully so) that it will kill botting, they’ve just tricked you into their agenda, they’ll have the players begging them for something that they never wanted (just like layering).


I don’t even remember what I said to you, I only remember camping you years ago on Maelstrom.

It could lower the costs for flasks? If a token is $15 and goes for what 1500g? Could put more gold into the server and people can afford items? Or it could sky rocket the prices.

china has wow tokens
they recently banned over a hundred thousand botters in china
and theres probably over a million more of them in china
all it’d do is reduce the profits of the botters, but not by enough to make more than maybe 20% of them go away; they’d still be a ridiculously-large problem

also, you can use retail wow tokens to buy game time for classic, which is probably how a ton of these bots are bring funded
these people probably also bot in retail too so they can buy wow tokens and dont pay a single cent on their subs aside from the initial 15 bucks for the first month

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Well we know that blizzard will not do anything that will lose them money. I’m just suggesting the least bad solution that Blizzard would even consider to replace this ridiculous instance cap.