blizzard is all about $$$ its as simple as that. they knew their servers couldnt handle the load but they kept letting people pay the $25 to transfer now they want to offer a “free” transfer to some crummy realm where my guild isnt
how do you know that blizzard has done all that they could? you literally said in your original post what they should have done to begin with which is limit the transfers to servers that were showing population spikes based on previous player behavior? Offering for people to transfer to only one PVP server, a horde dominated server at that from a alliance dominated server is not a viable solution because if transfer don’t happen en-mass then the transfer is just as good as deleting your character because you can’t play it when youre getting ganked in a major city by a group of rogues. Just because you play (if you even play at that) on a non-mega server doesnt give you the right to negate the validity of our arguments
just unsub if you dont like the decisions being made and its not worth the queue times to play the game
ya if half of benediction quit the other half would love that i bet
happens, everyone makes mistakes; anyone on the forums that expect you to be perfect is being absurd.
I’m with you. Let’s gooooo
The amount of people just in the queue right now is enough to fully populate a new server. They should just divide Grobb into two servers, randomly choose who gets forcibly shipped off to the new one, and then allow a one week period for people to freely transfer between the two so that guilds that got splintered could regroup.
Grobbapalooza is gonna blow if half of us cant even log on to enjoy it. smh.
Why would we all quit? You only need a few thousand to quit to reduce queue times.
So better idea. You quit, take a few thousands with you, and I’ll sit back on my server free of queues.
I’m on the same boat. Grob from day one with my original guild. I was waiting for Wrath and Greed Inc totally ruined my experience. Same company that saying something about “social aspect of the game”. Total failure of a company.
Yeah i’m out. Lata small indie company
Alliance on benediction, you’ll need more then a few thousand to quit lmao. And how sick and garbage is a game design where you need other players to quit just so you can play.
another grobbulus player here. i feel like im coming to this conclusion as well. think about how much blizzard is worth but cant house a server with 13k people online at once, even though they already use tons of layering/shards. and STILL charging us 15$ a month for an old game. and to top it off, we get 1 pvp option and 1 pve option to transfer off. the only people who beat the que are people who play all day from sun-up, or babysit their character all day with remote viewing software. any adult who works a job until 3-5pm doesn’t stand a chance without making sure their character isn’t disconnected all day. and even then, we have to take up another person’s spot just to make sure we can get a couple hours in at the end of the day.
For… what? Zero queue on Myzrael.
irony being that if people quit the Q’s will go down. If some of you took the offered solution and transferred or rerolled you would also reduce Q’s and help build up a server population in the process.
Ya’ll wont do that though, transferring to a mega server was fine when you had no issue logging in, should have seen these wait times coming is all i can say.
The other one was old blanchy…… which has literally 200 players…. Bro…
someone beat you too this already.
well you know , New world has an expansion in October so there’s that.
i was here since day 1 and have never transfered anywhere in my life, not only are the people new but they are almost all non rp toxic players. no issue with transfers- but why let so many transfer to this point
Sounds good
I’ll hold your stuff while you drink the look aid.