Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

Killing off Tyrande would be the stupidest think Blizzard could do for the night elf story right now. They would be proving nelf fans right, and that the Alliance is nothing by a toothless doormat for Anduin to stand on and moralize the player with when it isn’t propping up the Horde’s story.

Worst of all, it would basically be a example of victim-blaming at the racial level. Even worse than Arthas “tormenting” Sylvanas in the Maw.


No one wants Elesana to be right. Not even Elesana.


I am waiting to see how the Alliance reacts when we have to deal with Yrel’s brand of ‘redemption’ when we make the Light stop on the grand tour of the prime forces the future expansions will be about. If they have Naaru backing it the Army of the Light would be duty bound to obey, but also bound by loyalty to the Alliance. And how would the Draenei react? They very nearly worship Naaru like gods.

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The Army of the Light still followed Illidan after he killed X’era. They likely do not see Naaru as embodying the Light’s will as they see them as creations of the light.

The Lightbound on the other hand are slavishly devoted to the will of a Naaru. We have also seen the Naaru have conflicting ideologies- like A’dal and X’era, which the Lightbound have not yet witnessed. I do not see the AoL standing with the Lightbound simply because they do not seem to revere beings like Lightforged or Naaru themselves as they do the Light itself.


Me taking this bait:


Yrel having a starring a role in a future expansion could be really neat. I’ve been waiting on us taking her up on her offer of aid.

Even if she ended being a villain, so long as she doesn’t portal into MU Azeroth eating baby heads and declaring war on peace and happiness, there could still be some great moments for her there.

But with how things are going for Tyrande, maybe it’s best Yrel doesn’t come back.

Actually I believe she travels to another world, purposely ages herself to crone level and takes the name Baba Yaga and starts seeding daughters to become winter witches and rule in her name for a century at a time.

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There are ways to have her be a “raid boss” without fighting her directly. Hell, Kael’thas is a raid boss again and we have to save him this time, much like Dreamwalker and Tuslong in the past.

There are some raid bosses that you don’t actually fight them. Like Norushen in SoO, or Eonar in ABT.

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Don’t hold your breath waiting for Y’rel to come out of the forgotten closet. Or for that matter any further development of the Mag’har orcs.

I expect Yrel to pop back up when we reach our Light stop on our grand cosmology chart tour they said they plan to take us on. But who knows which order they are going to move through the chart. Could be years.


Right after those promised expansions of the Plane of Water and the Neptulon arc and the spider kingdom underneath Northrend.

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Eh. The grand tour concept is their indirect way of saying they are out of ideas of what to do with Azeroth itself so they are just going to send us off to other worlds for a bit so they can have fun doing high concept fantasy. Which I am all for because they sort of do not do the sort of storytelling needed for a campaign like BFA was very well.

she will go too far and we will have to stop her killing sylvanas

How bout neither?

How bout Tyrande just be Tyrande?


Reading that is so sickening, i really hate Sylvanas D: lol!


Yup, can’t wait until they force us to forgive her and fight alongside her.

No Elesana! We must not lose faith in the Goddess, that is just what Blizzard wants! XDD All jokes aside, it would be pretty disgusting and a huge slap in the face if more information is revealed and it even REMOTELY excuses what Sylvanas did. I hope Blizzard can see that.


So just in line with everything blizzard does. I mean the Horde has already been whitewashed of their crimes and Sylvanas and Nathanos are soon to follow. I mean after all, the Night Elves are even with the Horde and Sylvanas now after 8.1. Also you wouldn’t like to know what happens with Tyrande at the start of shadowlands probably…

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What happened? Did i miss datamining? Oh my lord lmao.

Well there have been voicelines datamined that leave no possible good outcome for the whole night warrior thing and just further proves the “8.1 = entire revenge plot” statement true.

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