Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

There are also ways of having her be a raid boss and survive. Jaina Proudmoore comes to mind.

Ill take sylvan head

WoW. This does not age very well.

Just a Update folks. Honestly I just want Tyrande to just be herself and or just be what Illidan is but edger. Something better for Tyrande to be but sadly She didn’t get her chance in the Sylvanas Raid.

I don’t know just something for variety for the Raid seeing as it’s like the endgame for Shadowlands or is it maybe. But yea kind of wished Blizzard would add in more Lore Characters than Jaina and Thrall. No Hate on them but they are used too much.


Tyrande is more than emo enough as she is thank you very much.