Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

Correct, as most of that civilization sort of got smashed since the events of the second legion invasion, between the Legion’s doing and then the Cataclysm, and the Horde’s doings. It is surprising how fast people migrate towards perceived safety.


You’re coming off as being pointlessly antagonistic over technicalities.

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Cause I don’t like when people get lore wrong i don’t like when people say night elves lost when they didn’t

Whatever the case, I just want her to get mad when we cross paths in Ardenweld to the point she tries to kill me again. It wouldn’t get her anything, obviously, but it would be amusing. Tyrande’s basically to BfA and Shadowlands what Jaina was to MoP and WoD and she hasn’t exactly had her “Purge of Dalaran” moment yet. Get on that, Blizz.

Quite ironic don’t you think?


Says the person who thinks nathanos won darkshore

He got all he wanted from Darkshore plus was portrayed as insanely powerful.

It’s no secret that Nathanos and Sylvanas won :woman_shrugging:


Doesn’t Nathanos completely lose Darkshore?

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He completed his issued goal to raise Delaryn Summermoon as a dark ranger, and Sira was just a cherry on top of the cake. You have to remember he was not there to ACTUALLY win as in capture territory. Sylvanas’ (and by extension his) goal was to make as large a body count as possible, and to raise those who might be useful as undead servants… from what we saw he did a pretty great job at it.


And how useful was Delaryn as an undead servant, exactly?
Or Sira, for that matter.
I’m quite curious about Nathanos and Sira’s conversations in the book. I could imagine he rubs the lost warfront in her face until she loses it and jumps at him. That would be kinda funny :wink:


(Query): Is that even a possibility?

(Commentary): I’d like to see Tyrande advance as a character, and emerge from Shadowlands to be a better leader for the Night Elves. Grace under pressure, fury controlled with serenity, exuding the power of one whom has embraced and endured both Elune’s light and dark. She doesn’t need to become a goddess, but I want her to achieve some kind of epiphany that not only helps her grow closer to Elune, but also become a more effective leader for the Night Elves.

(Conclusion): I’d like Tyrande to emerge as the kind of person who can calmly tell Anduin to his face why he is wrong, and when he disagrees, be able to smile sadly at him in a knowing way and say, “unfortunately, no matter that you may want it to be otherwise, you know in your heart what I’ve said is true. When you’re ready to accept that, seek me out. I will be waiting.” And then just walk away leaving him feeling conflicted, her words like a thorn in his side that he can’t remove because he KNOWS she is right.


Why were Horde players required to do this content, again? It sounds like it had nothing to do with us.


(Commentary): Because the only story Blizzard can give Horde players is being the willing or ignorant pawns of megalomaniacal Warchiefs hellbent on destroying the world to remake it in their own image, OR, incompetent do-nothing Warchiefs who do a whole lot of squat before it’s time for the Horde to, ‘explore it’s soul,’ for the hundred and thirty-first time of the week.


Well Delaryn would know a lot of Kaldorei strategic info… but raising her was honestly not really about a useful servant. It was TOTALLY because Sylvanas was being as spiteful to her as Arthas was to Sylvanas when he ripped her soul from her body and made her a banshee. It was done just to destroy her as a person and prove that even her resolve could be broken, as Sylvanas KNEW Delaryn had been floating in the unending torment of the maw.


I know. Delaryn was only a plot device to demonstrate how completely and irredeemably evil Sylvanas is…who herself is nothing but a plot device at this point.
It’s just so sad. I hope she’ll be better after her therapy session with Calia.

“You left everything to me, Nathanos!” “You ABANDONED me in Darkshore!”



Well, Jaina is an example of being a Raid Boss with little damage done. That Gnome in the mech suit didnt die. Tyrande very well may be a Raid Boss and not die.

Perhaps we merely beat the Night Warrior out of her. Or she escapes at 10%, and runs off to learn her lesson on her own.

Being a Raid Boss is not necessarily the end of the road.

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The whole “consumed with vengeance and so ends up being over vindictive and losing sight of the bigger picture” thing is so trite though, it would be way too predictable and retreading old water, even though I think that’s what’s going to end up happening to Tyrande/Genn. It’s especially stupid when you consider that she hasn’t really done anything wrong, the story is just being very foreboding and suggesting she’s up to something nefarious. I don’t see her being a nonredeemable character unless Blizzard makes her do something cartoonishly evil, like sink a boat full of Tauren Orphans or something, which they probably will because Blizzard doesn’t know how to villainize people without them doing blatantly/pointlessly evil acts.


Going by BfA’s presentation, they “plan out” expansions with a few vague statements on what the expansion is to be about until halfway through the previous expansion. And they rarely talk to each other about what they are doing.

Don’t really have an opinion on Tryande as such. But the time is long past due for an Alliance character to become a villain. It would even things up a bit, and the Alliance is, frankly, boring.

So who do other Alliance players think it should be? And lets get some real answers. Not some throw away character.

Tyrande would actually work, but it would piss off a lot of Night Elf players. Alleria would be OK, if a bit predictable. They could have Moira gain control of the Dwarves and lead them down a Sylvanas like path.