Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

Night elves are the only race in the game to be victims of genocide by a playable faction. Worgen had attempted genocide, but they escaped by evacuating their home, and lost more people from the civil war and worgen curse. Their home is also not destroyed, just temporarily and inconsistently uninhabitable.


nope draenei still exist, and the orcs that killed them are still in the horde

last I checked, the nelves still have darkshore, ashenvale, and hyjal. there actual homes of 10000+ years.


You must have checked like 2 years ago then, and hyjal is like neutral territory

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you should have checked this jan cause tyrande says thats where they go

uh ok? Tyrande goes there, still doesn’t mean it’s currently night elf only territory and you also mentioned Ashenvale


yep which is the nelves real home which we dont know the status of other than sylvanas recalled all the troops cause she was fighting with farmers at the siege.

used to be their home. Again Tyrande going somewhere doesn’t mean it’s her and her people’s territory

Demon blood. They were not playable when they committed genocide on the draenei.

Blizzard disagrees with you. Here’s one of your favourite passages from Elegy:

How many night elves were left in other parts of the world? Far too few.

Teldrassil was their central home, their only city was in its boughs. Are you going to ignore that because they have other land? Would you be okay if your neighbor burnt your family down in your home because you have other property, and other relatives?


Read up on nelf lore, kalmidor was there home for 10000+ teld was there home for less than 20

You should read up the lore I just posted above, Which is the latest source for where night elves made their home. Again:


I know what elegy said, we arent talking about how many died, we are talking about the home they still have.

Are you kidding me? The home is where the people are. Teldrassil was their central home because most of their people were there.

Your argument is absurd. “Oh they still have their summer homes, who cares that their immediate family burnt with their main home”
I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make from this.


So stormwind is there home, ok then

Kat, it’s okay for players to be upset that a zone they liked got wiped out in the story.


Tyrande or Malfurion I’ll take either head.

It’s also the humiliation of the experience. I’m sure Horde players know what it’s like considering they had to fight their own faction twice.
It’s the Alliance naysayers I don’t understand.


Tyrande has made Nordrassil the Kaldorei HQ, and given her… night warrior state and what it does to her psychology, it is safe to say there is no Horde Cenarion circle members left there now.

This is ANOTHER case of poor representation. They actually need to pull the refugees off the Stormwind streets and put the camps under Nordrassil.

Teldrassil was by far the largest concentration of Kaldorei on Azeroth, certainly. over the last decade most the Kaldorei left to live in the boughs of the world tree, especially after the events of the second legion invasion left northern Ashenvale the ruined Felwood we know in game and Most of Mount Hyjal a scorched ruin. The ruin Darkshore was left after the Cataclysm surely would of only accelerated this trend, as would of Garrosh’s invasion of Ashenvale.

I do not think people fully understand the actual scope Teldrassil was supposed to take as its model in game was so poor due to its extreme age (it was one of the few basically vanilla models rattling around in game). This gives a better picture of it:

A titanic tree filling most of the land rising so high, the top vanished in the clouds. Its branches were so vast that they dwarfed some kingdoms. The thick crown could have housed an entire civilization — and did.

So yeah… that was in extreme loss for the Kaldorei people.


The Kal’dorei transplanted their 10,000 year old civilization into a brand new place over the course of seven years. This is what we’re expected to believe.

You might want to bring a stool or two.

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Not even close too what’s being argued can people be upset about teld sure but we have other lands we did get a patch it wasn’t perfect but did the forsaken get anything?