Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

Why do you cry about it when you have the tools needed to prevent ever seeing a twink?
Oh right, because you’re a crybaby and seeking attention on the forums.

If blizzard wanted to remove twinking from time walking (Which is more about the rewards than anything, lmao.), then the simplest answer to end twinking in timewalking is a reward cap. Its the same reason twinks don’t run normal LFD, theirs no rewards in it, so theirs no point doing that.

Blizzard hasnt done that because blizzard doesn’t care about twinking, because at the end of the day what blizzard cares about is that people are paying their subs. Blizzard doesn’t care about it because they only care about people during current, its why current has reward caps, so people cant just outgear it and farm it endlessly. This is not something they’ve added to time walking, let alone discussed about it, so clearly they’re fine with the way its performing.

Did you see the part of “IMO”

That means, “In my opinion,” which means, for me currently, I am not really open to reading what others think about my view.


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Lmao, alright then.

ah yes the ol have an even worse experience then just fixing the actual problem

at least this dude admits it they are doing it to game the system for the rewards

I couldnt’ care less about the rewards, I’ve been doing it to level alts like I said already. I’d still be doing timewalking to level alts even if the capped all the rewards because its the most optimal way to level characters right now. Again, I know your slow, but try to keep up with the rest of the class.

The only thing that would get me to stop running timewalking is if they added an experience cap which would defeat the point of you leveling in it too, chuckles.

Then they should kick them. It’s available.

It’s not bad at the start. It becomes bad when it’s the nth time you do it.

Pffft good lawd the threads trying to ruin fun are ridiculous.

Yes I will accept the free carry for my 100th shaman toon I level for the sake of mount farming thank you very much.

does “they” only include u?

They’ll just argue that runs are being done so fast that the 3 minute timer to kick isn’t available when it takes longer than that just to run to each boss.

except twinks can clear dungeons b4 the kick is even of cool down kek

for you…

Then leave after completion. Are they that common that you can’t avoid getting one in all your groups?

fun for who?

Fun for someone who wants to get to max level before the servers shut down.

called it. lmao.

I only encounter twink tanks like, every 7-8 dungeons, certainly not as common as some of the crybabies in here are making them out to be. And I personally don’t care if I get a twink tank or not, it has no effect on me one way or the other besides making my leveling go a bit faster.

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Not just low levels. At level 70 and having item levels from 505 - 510 on my alts I am destroying time walking dungeons and doing above 60-70 percent of the damage.

These aren’t twinks these are Dragonflight geared toons.

i get them more then non twink groups

ive even had groups with multiple 11 twinks

Blizzards apparently looking into nerfing the Dragonflight gear, it seems to be grossly overtuned according to a blue post so that might be changing.

They are predictable.