If the only way you can make friends is by imprisoning them in a random dungeon, it’s time to reevaluate things.
Very minimal gold cost if I’m being honest. Just a time sink. All the gear is from either dungeon drops or timewalking badges. The only thing that would cost gold are the gems, and they are pretty inexpensive.
I think this warrior cost me about 1500g total to make and about 3 or 4 hours of farm time for the gear.
Thats not bad at all, if it werent for the fact I already got the mount I might have made my own twink to power through dungeons just to farm for it.
a big problem also was the level squish to prevent MEGA dmg and here we are back at MEGA dmg and HP pools
and no playing classic still isnt the answer i already played that when it was retail and i shouldnt have to play an old version of the game just cause i want to press more then W in a dungeon
The solution to your problem has already been provided. Its called normal dungeons, there are no twinks in them. They’re nice and slow just like you want.
You can actually achieve what they’re doing really cheaply right now.
Most of your slots can be filled out with gear from the Classic Timewalking vendor, and anything else you can fill with pieces that drop directly from Timewalking at-level.
The most important thing is just having Lifestealing on both of your weapons, since it can proc off each hit of Whirlwind.
Heirlooms at 11-12 are like 20-25 ilvl, gear from the vendors is 50-54, Timewalking drops are around 60-64.
It would be nice if they offered an old school non scaling leveling mechanic for people who want to feel more powerful as they level.
People are still obliterating the content either way so what does it really matter?
I know a lot of games offer turning off scaling when playing with others.
Once upon a time people would actually do that. Pay others to level them, or people would make an account and then sell it on e-bay. It was a big business for some players early on long before the token was introduced.
I know when I get a low-level player in the group, I don’t worry about how much damage they do or healing they do (unless you’re a shaman and you spirit link me [grumble]). I try just as hard as I normally do if they were my own level. The problem is how scaling works and how Blizzard coded it to make a low-level player relevant when grouped in a dungeon above their normal level. It isn’t like it used to be where lots of people where leveling and the game didn’t scale like it does, players were kept close to their level bracket.
But as far as making friends and chatting while grouping, that kind of died when programs like Discord became more mainstream. No one cares to talk anymore unless you’re in a guild and the few players that might invite you to their discord is far and few between. The game is nowhere near as social as it used to be because everyone is afraid of being actioned for saying something. I type when I am in a group, and I type when invited to a discord. I just prefer typing even though I know it is a slower form of communication.
I would be thrilled if they added another dungeon set that was just “You get set to dungeon level and your gear gets knocked down to blue-tier” for people to enjoy, I’m always game for more content and more ways for people to engage with the game.
This is already what FF14 does for their dungeons and it works fine for them so I don’t see why WOW couldn’t add that feature for people who want that experience too.
oh so im not allowed to enjoy classic dungeons because a bunch of bad eggs dont like playing the game any more?
Time walk to classic via chromie, normal dungeon queue, ezgg.
No, and I’m the guy who denied your group kick of the twink last night.
who wants to actually make friends these days any way?
great time to be hater many things suck and many people are stupid
or yall could stop exploiting the dungeon finder for rewards
You can still enjoy them, just form your own group with players who want to take it slow. Random is exactly that: RANDOM.
You want the convenience of RDF without the RANDOM part, but that’s not how it works.
Then they should play a healer so they can feel like they’re doing something.
Nah, we’ll keep using the system blizzards gave us, and endorses us to use, and laugh at you as you cry about it when there are simple fixes right there for you to use. Keep QQing dude, blizzard wont side with you considering they’ve thoroughly made clear that they do not care about the leveling experience.
why are u queing for group content when u dont need a group?
oh right gaming the system for rewards
I don’t like twinking, but ultimately, it has basically no real impact on the game, so no
Blizz has allowed it so no, but they should fix scaling and remove the twink ability, which IMO is contra-to WoW & always has been