Everyone but you apparently lol.
is it not ez enough already?
I don’t want ez, I want fast.
Yeah, that’s scaling at work.
Compare the ilvl 505-510 gear to the ~400 or so ilvl offered as quest rewards and dungeon drops.
bug report forums op
because your experience = everyone elses experience
because u only get one every 7-8 dungeons must certainly mean i get one every 7-8 dungeons
oh it def isnt just me thats annoyed that we dont get to play the game we pay for when a twink is in the group
Haha sure ok. Carry on, peace and love bro.
Calling BS on this. Not only are you a crybaby, you’re also a liar. You need help bud.
Just another average forum troll pretending to be an outraged customer. Nothing to see here.
yeah so ez thats what i said
Every character I’ve leveled from 71 to 80 has all started out with Dragon Flight tier gear. One of the issues is they don’t break the tier set until you are level 80 and some of those sets make leveling much easier. My main, Enhancement Shaman tier set allowed me to do much harder content then I should have probably been allowed.
I level 32 of my 38 characters to 80, working on number 33 now and already gone from 71 to 75 in the time it took 350 posts to happen in this thread soloing. Only now do I actually try and replace some gear as I level because I know this time how bad you get borked at 80 if nothing was upgraded along the way.
they hated jesus for he spoke the truth
except those toons arnt the ones doing 400 mil dps
Dont forget the other one thats worse… character trial toons. You can just make one try something and then delete it after transfering off the currency/redo the lockout.
This entire post reminds me of Mists of Pandaria re-mix when people used the in-game currency to upgrade their item level to stupid levels making them godlike coupled with boosting their cloaks by farming certain content which was within the rules until it was found to be an exploit because of hyper-spawning.
yeah hoping blizz will see reason and call it what it is exploiting
That’s because timewalking is basically remix levels of redonkulous now that they borked the scaling.
I’ve no idea why people apologize for this. It’s just horrible game design no matter how you slice it.
It is literally an MMO you’re talking about. If you don’t want to play or cooperate with other people, go find a better game and stop crying.
thats my entire argument if these twinks are so powerful they can solo the dungeon why are they ruining the experience for those of us trying to enjoy group content…
u look new here so ill let the 1st one slide