Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

look im ok with the act of twinking but when it’s done intentionally to exploit a bug with the scaling is where i have an issue with it.


Let me think about it…. No


No. /10char


Blizzard’s fault for making low levels do insane damage to survive early content easier.


Me think no.


Blizzard doesn’t consider twinks to be exploiting. It’s not a bug with the scaling, the scaling is just poor when it comes to super low level characters.


Scaling isn’t a bug.


I think complaining about twinks should be deemed inappropriate: violating code of conduct for " Creating Duplicate Threads" because I swear I’ve seen someone making a new thread on this every single week, which is more than I see anyone twinking mind you.


OP don’t know what exploit or bug means, more at 11.


What bug? It’s a system that many people are dissatisfied with but it’s working as intended. They used to do it the other way around and that had it’s own set of issues.


not against ToS, they clearly put mechanics in the game to deliberately encourage it, such as XP locking npcs.

but i do think xp locked characters should be sent to their own dungeon queues. if you’re going to basically hack the game to play some niche super sayan level 11 character whatever, thats on you, do your thing. but i dont want to see it in my dungeons 1 shotting bosses and breaking the game. im all for individual choice but when soft exploitation like that starts impacting my gameplay, its got to go.

I do not think “Exploiting Scaling” is how I would phrase things. Pretty sure the Developers wouldn’t allow that type of gameplay to continue if that were the case.

I’ve seen like 2 of these twinks, so many fewer than I expect with the number of these posts. I will say one of them, a warrior, was able to pull threat off my 619 Veng DH occasionally while I was using my M+ spec and averaging around 1.5 mill dps or so in big pulls, but they’re not the scourge they’re made out to be lol


If it was a bug, they would have fixed it sometime in the past 20 years.


twinking has always been a thing as long as i’ve been playing wow since like 2006, but it has also always politely quarantined itself to pvp at low levels, which almost no one played except the twinks.

the problem now is that they are being put in with the general population in dungeon queues with players who didnt ask to be exposed to that kind of broken gameplay, and the players cant themselves leave without incurring a 30 minute dungeon penalty. so you get trapped in a run with someone who has rendered the rest of the party useless, sometimes going as far as to get the party killed as they leave patchwork add groups straggling or take odd routes skipping vast swathes of the dungeon.

as for weather or not its exploiting? its clearly exploiting, in the literal sense of the word, a broken interaction between XP locking, some janky bad math from scaling, and then magnifying that scaling with xp locked titanforged gear from specific expansion world quests and specific gems. it is most definitely an exploit, just a developer enabled one that thus far hasnt been cracked down on

and again i dont have a problem with twinks doing their own thing by themselves or with other twinks, but when they get forced on the rest of the general population or, like earlier tonight, you see them start selling speed leveling runs in trade chat, then its a problem

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I decided to give it a try and create my own warrior to see how things played out. /Played so far to acquire all the socketed gear, weapons, and trinkets took me almost two days. As much fun as it’s been just blasting through things, I can see why some people wouldn’t find that enjoyable.

I think (my own opinion) people get annoyed when playing the spectator role in a game they are paying for. No one wants to take a back seat and /follow someone else around while they mow down mobs in a dungeon. So, naturally they come to the forums to complain.

As for twink players being a large number, I rarely run into them and when I do, I just accept the fact that the dungeon run will be over with quickly and I can go about my business.

My advice if this is something that upsets the paying customer, go hit up X and post about it on Blizzards account, create a thread and leave constructive feedback on why you feel this type of game play is bad for the game.


who cares people wanna level fast and get though content.

you wanna “enjoy” leveling Classic is there for you.


I don’t think it’s an exploit however I do think anyone who locks their XP should be relegated to their own dungeon queue. I feel this way they can run how they want to run all day long and everyone else can be left to play the regular way. I mean, it takes a special kind of someone to lock their experience points and then run dungeons over and over again

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Well, firstly, low levels doing bigger damage is not a bug. It is the effects of level scaling. Blizzard is aware of this, but done nothing because it isn’t really so much of a problem at lower levels, it is more still trying to improve on the higher levels to where the scaling is going to feel the same at all levels.

Twinking is not exploiting any bugs, and should never be claimed for that.

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Scaling isn’t a bug