Heirlooms, 300% potion, premade with a tank or healer ready to go, you could blitz a solid chunk of your levels 1 to cap in a day, but you couldn’t hit cap unless you farmed up multiple potions still. And Eeeeveryone was camping krull.
Also, it would make searing gorge kill you if you had the potion buff while flying on the back of a two person mount.
Exploiting in video games refers to using a bug or glitch to gain an unfair advantage, while gaming the system involves playing the game in a way it isn’t intended, but within the rules. Exploiting is generally considered illegal, while gaming the system is not cheating but using the game’s rules to your advantage.
oh so people who are undergeared? people who boosted then refused to equip any of the gear and kept on what they were wearing b4 the boost
literally the kind of players that are a fury warrior playing with a sword and board saying i need a 2h go to ah and buy some greens ur lvl bro and u will be fine
who could have seen that happening
also known as munch-kinning, or minmaxing. It might be considered poor form, but its not usually directly against the rules.
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its a big part of the game sorry they wont get rid of XP for you
They don’t have too, they’ve already squished it so much that leveling is a joke. My record for this event is 6 hours 50 minutes for a 1 to 80 paladin
The dungeons had a good feel to them with a properly tuned difficulty level and you felt more powerful as you leveled.
That’s all I’d like to see return to leveling honestly. When you level up, you should feel more powerful.
I still feel like thats a thing in normal LFD, but given everything scales with you now you don’t get that sense of power as much outside of weird spots like when leveling into a new expansion tier and your character briefly ends up being a god for a level, and then its right back to normal.
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The fact that a lvl of 14 fury warrior tank (?!) is doing millions of scaled damage is hilarious.
Also funny because my low level alts all do garbage damage in dungeon finder. Prob because I’m like lvl 40 with an ilvl 40 sword lolol
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the twinks are all geared up in like, max ilvl for their character gear, which usually costs tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of gold (because clever people are exploiting these people for money, too, of course.) thats why they’re so strong.
It’s the scaling for sure.
It just feels really bad. It exists to stretch out the content so it stays relevant for longer.
They had to do that because the speed at which you level is so insanely fast now.
It’s not going anywhere so have fun and enjoy. Hope My twink sees you in the future so i can help you
well u already dont like playing the game so just pay some one else to do it
i on the other hand want to press more then w and use the dungeons as they were intended they used to be a place u could actually make friends and talk to people cause it took longer then 3 mins
yup, people wanted scaling because they desperately wanted old content to be relevant still. Blizzard has never cared about old content, they want you doing current content, but they’ll add resources for old stuff just to keep people paying subs. Blizzard has thoroughly destroyed the leveling experience on retail, i get people who Want the leveling experience, you know, thats fine and good on them. But they’d really be better off on Classic if they want a slower leveling experience like the old days, because thats long gone.
Classic used to take Weeks to level to max, so did BC and TLK. MOP made it faster, and it just spiraled from there until like, Legion I think is when we got timewalking? And boy did it have issues when it first came out. Scaling has Always been a mess since its introduction, its why no other MMO does it and they all just hardlock you to the dungeons max if you out gear it.
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Again, no matter how much you cry like a little baby, wow has more content than just leveling. sorry that it sucks for you little dude and that you don’t know how to use the normal dungeon finder and willingly subject yourself to the only one with twinks in it, but thats a you problem.
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use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way
do i really need to elaborate further?
i have football helmets and coloring books at the ready
and even that is to much for u
Classic and normal dungeons are right over there, its okay, take your time. We know your slow but you’ll get there eventually.
alright then keep ur secrets
have u tried editing ur post instead of writing an entire new one?