I’m sure theirs a market for it, theirs a market for anything after all. And heck I’d turn around on my twink and do extra stuff for gold if offered 5K to basically run back and slap an extra boss for a minute and a half too, i dunno anyone who would turn that down besides someone at gold cap.
they sell character boosts for that
there ya go blizzard more people would buy character boosts if u got rid of this exploit
In my situation.
Been playing since the end of BC.
I have one of every class at least at 50 or higher when I was playing arena heavily and also have multiples of some classes.
It gets old fast.
or they’re leveling their 14th, 15th, 35th alt and are just tired of the leveling experience but don’t want to shell out the 30-60 dollar bliz wants for the boost. (I forget how much the leveling boost costs lmao.)
I’m working on my 16th character in the past three weeks up to 70 from 1, but i’ve been playing since Vanilla. I’m thoroughly done with the “leveling experience”
It’s cheaper to boost via a twink.
Not really true.
Tried and failed again.
It’s $60 and even then you STILL have to level the last ten levels.
i wish it was as rare as u all claim and try sub 3 mins kek
I hesitate to believe a person with 15 level 80s “dislikes leveling” and if they do does the game need to change or do they?
I have 55 characters on my account and 52 of them are 70+. 13 of them are 80. Give me the twinks in 20 year old dungeons.
I Don’t tend to go for the last 10 levels, just having them at current is enough for me, but that’s a lot of money to boost 1 of each class for both horde and alliance discounting my main, thats 25 characters, assuming no bank alts, or alts on RP servers.
that’s 1,500 dollars. lmao.
yeah u already explained that u like exploiting cause u cant play the game normally
You can hesitate all you want, but I leveled them because I want one of each class on both sides, not because I like leveling. I haven’t leveled my bank alts because theirs no point, I’m leveling a character on the RP server just to muck around in the RP server, and I have a horde and alliance main (both are monks), but leveling itself is not a fun experience for me. Running dungeons is fun, questing is okay, but leveling? not fun to me.
oh no u have to play the game god forbid
What I’ve done is just stopped tanking/healing timewalking. It’s a lot more fun this way.
Remix mentality should stay in remix.
Yep I’d pass on that too lol.
I legit only have three 80s right now. Usually I go hard on the alts to have for backups for raiding but I chose to level and focus on two maybe three at most this expansion.
I may level my warlock just because I know I can play it at a high level and I love all three specs but most guilds tend to be full on warlocks.
That’s your prerogative, but it’s the fastest way to level and if there’s a way to make it even faster then I’m not upset about it.
You should play classic. I’ve been playing Cata a lot lately and it’s a much slower experience. Even slower than not speedrunning normal dungeons + questing in retail. It’s nice to have different paces.
Twinking is the real end game.
What do you think the min max at end game is?…it’s just “twinking”
It’s blizzards fault if they can’t balance a system that THEY implemented.
It’s really odd. Some people seem to legitimately hate everything about the game and think for some reason that makes them the feedback that should be acted on.
“Make it worse for everyone but while doing that make it fast for me Blizzard!”
I have 7 80s currently, working on 3 more, the rest just being brought up to 70. Those being my monks, my paladins, my alliance DK, Hunter, and my druid, with my horde DK, Hunter, and Druid also ideally being brought up to 80 today or tomorrow.
That lets me get them geared to do retro content on them as much as I want, because thats the content I actually enjoy doing. I like running old raids on those classes.
I play the game. I probably play more of it than most people as I play at a CE level.
What I don’t do is enjoy leveling because it’s boring and extremely repetitive.
I would suggest not trying to look smarter than me. It’s not going to happen and you will save yourself the embarrassment.