Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

if blizz fixed scaling so that you couldn’t do this anymore, it wouldn’t stop people from trying, but people have always tried to push the limits of whats possible. They’ll take that as a challenge. If blizzard were to make it against the rules it would stop, but blizzards clearly not interested in doing that given they’ve had 20 years to stop twinks.

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Judging by this thread a lot of people never grew out of the high school mentality that “ruining the fun for others creates the fun for me!”


I’m not convinced that the person mostly arguing in this thread, throwing out personal attacks, and constantly shifting the goal post isn’t still in highschool, lmao.


“Gaming the system” is an expression that refers to the act of manipulating or exploiting a system’s rules to gain an advantage over others

boy i bet u feel dumb

Why most 11 twinks are selling runs.

If an 11 twink has 1-2 sells in their group they would be the majority.

What it boils down too is the people complaining about this also don’t like fast dungeons or dungeon skips. They want to force their view of killing everything and making the dungeon take as long as possible are really the minority of people.

Not when talking to you, for some reason

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I’ve not seen a single 11 twink actually selling runs, the most you ever see is they’ll silently regroup with people already in the dungeon. it might happen in the dungeons themselves, but I can’t say i’ve personally ever seen that after hundreds of runs at this point.

personally If I am on a ‘twink’ I just try to keep up with the pack and not draw any attention to myself.
Though one run some weeks ago someone just randomly noticed that I was on one and started commenting about it, demanding I go turn XP on. lol.
Its like, Im not ruining the work I put into this alt because one time in one dungeon one person noticed and said something, guy. lol.
Im not blowing Details apart here, Im just trying to get the run over with and get my badges lol

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I’d be willing to bet that most people who queue up for a dungeon would like to press a button other than W a few times. I don’t think that’s the minority.

Dungeons can be fast without one person doing all of the playing.


I know what it means.

You’re also wrong. Gaming the system means they are using the system legally.

Which means they aren’t in fact exploiting the game.

Blizzard intended for level 11s to scale the most. Using that system to make twinks isn’t exploiting anything.

Nope I feel pretty entertained by how you’re trying really hard to look smart and you’re falling flat on your face.

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There’s no way to confirm but if I’m leveling something and I got into a run with someone that was twinking I’d try to stay as long as possible.

Leveling isn’t fun for a good portion of people so they want it over as fast as possible.

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no talking to me makes them feel like droopy eyed armless children

loathe as I am to agree with Snozay on something, yeah, pretty much this.

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how dare u bring logic into this

You’re warning up to me!

See I’m not all bad like some people think lol

Luckily it’s a rare enough occurrence that most of the time those people who hate the fast, free xp don’t have to worry about it. Just grin and bear it for 5 minutes and then you’re free from the torture.

They can also use the group finder to form an “anti twink group” for dungeons.

There’s definitely a market for it.
I got 5k on mine just to turn around and kill The Unforgiven in Stratholme, and while it’s probably not as fast as some overworld methods you could feasibly boost someone to 70 with it, or 80 during Timewalking.


What makes leveling so bad that people just want it over with is stuff like this imo.

People intentionally brick the leveling experience and then complain that it sucks and they want it over with. So Blizzard makes it faster but worse.

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reading the card explains the card

its exploiting simple as