Should there be more casual content on retail wow?

Even if you play WoW with an active guild then you are still not actively playing with more than 30 or so players. When we can’t find 30 players to play with then lets have this talk. Until then you simply don’t have much to worry about.

No. If I had a penny for every “Is -insert game title- dying?” threads, I could buy a golden throne for my cat


I’m in the same boat as you girl. The guild I was in from late Vanilla up to WoD was filled with people I personally knew irl, half way through WoD they all up and left.

I do agree with you though on the housing. It’s another character option & I’m all in favor of more character options & customization.

However I don’t think WoW will truly “die”(Meaning them shutting all the servers). Everquest & runescape are still going & there’s always going to be a group of people that are dedicated to this game.

I think they’ve said that WoW has had 100 million unique accounts over the years. I think that would show you the playerbase is not contiguous group of people perpetually subbed but constant flux of new players, leaving players, returning players, etc.

The question is can WoW still attract new players in 2020. And Shadowlands will be the testament to that. Not really anything else.

Depending on who you ask, WoW was dead since 2003.

I’m not sure if WoW is dying or not. Idk how long it will last but I also don’t know how long I’ll last.

It’s all a mystery.

I do know I haven’t bought SLs yet and may not but am unsure.
Depends on what happens but til then, I go monthly on sub now and may start using game gold to pay for that.

I hope SLs is good. I might wait and see what others say before I jump in, if I do.

** Felnor above made a really good post about this. I agree, for the most part.

You would do that for your cat? Such a good soul. Make it a throne that can sit on the windowsill of a window that gets lots of afternoon sun.

Cats love that.

Oh of course. She wouldn’t sit anywhere else

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Your statement ,makes me wonder is entertainment more important to the individual first or with a group? MMo’s were designed for group activities but it is a two way street ,either it’s one or the other?

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From what I was seeing, leveling will take longer. Hitting 60 back in classic was a long trip (not bad if you’re just enjoying the game.) Scale system is already nice, if it improves to all content scales up to 60, even better. It’ll help put “open world” better into the game.

Yes it is.

I mean… it has seemed to lose players every expansion since Cata.

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That’s the covid pandemic, not anything blizzard has done.

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Weeeeeell, yes and no, but I do see your point. The fallacy there is that there’s multitudes of games out there that people can buy to spend their time on. If WoW really was bad enough to be considered dying, people wouldn’t be spending enough on it for profits to surpass expectations.

Yes that and the abilitie to habe a more vhanging economy in game. If tjey add woodvraftong of some sort and that stuff

I still remember the first time I saw a “WoW is dying” post. It was when druids got their turn at a “balance” patch and people didn’t like the direction of hybrids.

I’m sure there were some before that, but that’s about the time I started browsing the forums.

Blizzard said in their earnings report wow has record numbers for engagement I thought?

So it’s far from dying.

Eh. All they need to do is announce a TBC reboot and watch the conversion numbers from classic to retail tick back up again after the initial influx of TBC players get bored again. They can do this all the way to wotlk no probs.

Essentially just a shift in what demographic they’re marketing too. When the game first came out you had a more patient group accustomed to longer time investments and affinity for constructing social circles. Now it’s basically the drop in, drop out instant gratification crowd that would rather a game cater to what they’d find an acceptable QoL platform than to adapt to the predefined parameters of the game. It’s the telling signs of a game in the throes of horseshoeing. Too many “QoL” changes changes the overall quality of the game to where it’s no longer the actual game and diminishes the experience rather than propagate a better one.

I still love WoW though.

Is it though…? I’ve leveled 5 characters to max by leveling through dungeons without doing any quest in the open world, but in all my experience most people just leave the dungeon without even saying thank you.

Am I doing it wrong? how exactly do you make friend in those?

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