Should there be more casual content on retail wow?

I highly doubt it as well but if it sells for more them 10million units i will lol in real life!

it only feels like it’s dying as alliance.

Nah. It’ll be just fine. Just like the Dark Lady. Long live both

I thought it got killed by like every mmo that came out after it was created. If the forums are to be believed anyway.

Blizzard’s profits did increase beyond expectations last quarter so that should be the biggest giveaway that the game is not dying. It has lost a lot of subs over the past decade or so, however, but unless the devs do something majorly disruptive or draw up a conclusion to the lore on their own, it’s unlikely to die.
It definitely will look like a ghost town from time to time though, depending on the server you play on.

Everyone is waiting for SLs so no.

Not yet.

It’s possible that you are just tired of being on the same ship or not like the new crowd that you sharing it with, and its easy to blame the ship for that even if its still sailing just fine. Sounds like you’ve been playing for a long time, and the game has certainly changed.

It’s okay to not like where its at now and decide whether its still where you want to be. But if you decide to stay on it, try to appreciate all the good things about it rather than nitpick everything you don’t like. It’s still one of the best ships out there.

I didn’t read the entire OP, just saw “I make friends leveling through dungeons.”

And was all like, “Wait? You, what?”

I haven’t run the same dungeon with the same person twice, classic aside, in probably over 10 years. Sounds like a made up problem.

WoW original death, came from game magazine articles before it was
even live. A few I read back then. Claimed that WoW will do fairly well,
until Dungeons & Dragons Online went live. Then WoW would lose
most of its players and shut down.

No, it is not. And SL pre-orders have already out-sold all other xpacs combined, and vastly out-sold xpacs by ffxiv and other games. it’s looking better than ever! I’m so excited by SL,
it’s not the death, it’s the rebirth, of the game !

Oh and ps - everyone says b4 a new xpac “oh is this the death of wow?” omfgherd. nonsense.

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Nope. In fact, I’ve been in a similar boat for a long time. My guild is strictly a solo affair. But, through the GD lounge, I’ve met and played with some truly tremendous people.

Just gotta take a risk and spread your wings once in a while!

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I still find if utterly hilarious that Everquest, which owned the market when this came out, absolutely refused to ever make their game easier. Then this came out, and even if you’ve played classic and felt like wtf you must understand, it was so much more forgiving. All these years later and this is still the gold standard, while that other game is just the pavement on this game’s path to glory.

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Whenever you think this remember…

EverQuest is still releasing expansions.

The key will be the expac after Shadowlands. Shadowlands is the expac where they fix a lot of basics and reset the timeline on Azeroth (probably). I expect Shadowlands to be fun, but I am aware that a lot of resources went into fixing some basics so I don’t expect big new features. But the game needs some cool new stuff after Shadowlands set the table or WoW really will be tottering.

Yes it’s been dead since BC. It’s just rotting away like me now.

hahahaha no

hun it’s just the number that changes not the amount of time it takes to level :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Same! Well, me and my friend.

For something to be reborn it must first be dead. (You can quote me on that.)

I am guessing that with the Shadowlands leveling and zone changes, that we’ll see WOW:Shadowlands on XBOX and Playstation in 2021.

I weighed 7.5 pounds once and I have been fighting my weight ever since.

I’d argue that no, it isn’t dying. It’s dead. It’s a dead, rotting carcass that is slowly but surely decomposing into something that doesn’t resemble the original masterpiece that it used to be in any sense.

WoW is already dead. It is not World of Warcraft anymore. That game, the one that so many of us fell in love with over a decade ago, is long gone. Today, it is World of Acti-blizzcraft.

This game has been on a steady decline for several years now, maybe even longer than that. The game just isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be. And the modern MAU>>>>>>all design of the game has created a psychologically predatory, artificially drawn out gambling experience with absolutely zero soul in every single aspect of the game.

It seems the developers and players alike have decided this game is no longer supposed to be a vast living, breathing world full of flair and depth. It has just become a daily checklist of crap to do, and in the next expansion you literally won’t even be able to experience the whole world like you currently do when leveling a character. What the fk?

I don’t care what the people in denial here think, this game has lost its soul, charm, and depth that made it the great game it used to be. It is quite literally a shell of a game, a hollowed out experience that is more about collecting mounts and cute pets than a deep RPG experience.

WoW is not dying. WoW is dead.


If it has an AH, transmog, bank and guild bank…otherwise its just cosmetic and not a whole lot of reason to even bother.