Should there be more casual content on retail wow?

This is not just another trollish ‘wow is dead’ thread, I do actually want to express some serious concerns.

For the longest time leveling up through dungeons was a good way to make social friends, with people who don’t take the game too seriously, but with the level squish in Shadowlands that’s coming to an end now, as let’s face it, you can from level 1-50 in no time at all, and it’s been my observation with mythic+ and other systems, the end game of wow is pure, go, go, go, it’s not a very social experience its more of an e-sport experience.

So for me, and other chill casual players, after leveling 4 alts in covenants the question is then what is left to do? It’s not all bad, I am hopeful for the PVP side of the game that has been neglected for too long, and because I am interested in the story line of Shadowlands I have already bought it so will level in it, but I have a feeling this could very well be the last expansion for me.

Most of my original wow friends are long gone, and for the longest time wow has been the king of mmo’s but sometimes I am starting to feel like I am on a sinking ship, not all of this is Blizzard’s fault, they can only do so much to control peoples attitudes, but the biggest problem is when people they have to choose a certain covenant that gives them more optimal powers, well if it’s the case that you are going to get blasted for your dps not being optimal in a simple dungeon because you chose the wrong covenant because people care about that 0.2% percentile I think that will be really sad.

The problem is, if wow continues on its present course, I am worried that too many people will leave, what is needed is more interesting and cool things to keep casual players hooked; Guild housing, REAL player housing (not garrisons), are some fun things they could look into.

*edited the OP, as although Blizz didn’t mind what I was saying, for the sake of the forum I decided to change the title anyway so my post sounded less click bait for you all.


No, it is not.


According to these forums wow dies every expansion. :rofl:


Been dying since 2004.



Nu uh? They didn’t hang out the full 15 years, damn that’s crazy.

Wonderfully dramatic, all that just for this:

So you dropped the troll titled thread to ask for player housing?



Honestly I’ll choose whatever covenant I think its cooler for my character, and don’t give a damn about people who won’t accept me if i’m not optimal

People that refuse are either:

bad at the game and want every single possible advantage
lazy and want to play the laziest possible
or mythic raiders

im not interested in playing with these people in the same manner as they arent interested in playing with me, it’ s a win win scenario


I don’t understand player housing. What does it do? Is it like Barbie’s dream house? I don’t get it.


If the forums are to be believed, it has been on it’s death bed for the last 12 years.

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God damn I wanna play on that server.

People are either silent in dungeons or toxic AF.


It well have to die off one day. Nothing is forever.
But, it is still the most popular MMO on the market.
There are several MMOs that well be coming out over the next few years that might kill off some of it’s base, but I do think we can expect another 6-10 years of WoW.

Can I have you stuff.

I didn’t either, until I played two difference games that had robust player housing and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It is all a matter of how it is implemented, Aion and SWToR both had pretty good systems. With Aion actually having a neighborhood feeling to it.

Anyone got that meme of the Stonehenge of every wow killer/death? This is good time for it.

WoW is like Sylvanas. It does very stupid things, and often appears to have led to its own demise. But it comes back! With schemes that make the previous failures look like strokes of genius.


I just don’t understand how it would be different than Garrison’s, I mean people complained everyone was hanging out in them instead of the world. It seems like player housing would generate the same thing.

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Nah I am staying for Shadowlands as I don’t want to miss out on the ultimate victory of Sylvanas.

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When? I’ve been on 3 servers, since 3.1. I took a break during Cata but I’ve been playing almost nonstop since 5.3.

I think in all that time, I made 3 friends. 2 of them left because money, the other left because he wanted to play on private servers.

LFD isn’t a great way to make friends in my experience. Seems like my experience is the consensus.


Player housing probably wouldn’t have a near infinite source of resources and gold.

Because there were no real customization options with the garrison. You basically picked between a handful of options and that was it. Player housing is about a lot more than do I place a mine or a stable.

See, that’s just it. After I put in all my orders, I was out and about in WoD searching for the Voidtalon Portal.