Should there be a D&D spinoff focusing on the WoW universe?

If Glinda’s Realm is anything like “Tales from the Stinky Dragon”, COUNT ME IN!!!

Completely fell in love with Stinky Dragon Adventures! :sparkling_heart:

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I made a DND boss fight based on how wow raid bosses worked, in order for it to function properly I had to give the boss an effect that allowed him to be melee’ed from up to 75 feet away lol.


YESSS I wanted to say those, but was like, “ehh people might not ‘like’ my saying ‘play GURPS instead’”.
Genesys might also work? Mutants & Masterminds, too; M&M, despite kind of having a d20 System skeleton (to me), is very “friendly” to a lot of different genres and “Types” of games.
That aside, and coming directly to mind, with a little bit of tweaking, a few of the BareBones systems could also work.

The 1st Edition run is amazing, but let me tell you, that 2nd Edition run is ROUGH. ;___;

Gimme a little while, and I can find some REALLY cool fan resources I fell in love with back when I played the line!

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Noted! definitely starting with 1st Edition :grin:

Please do! I look forward to any & all resources :nerd_face:

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Pathfinder didn’t fire 1100 or so employees just before Christmas like WOTC/Hasbro did.

There is a d20 based WoW game. Its 3E not 5E but you can port most of it, probably a better pathfinder port though.

Start with what you can find first, I say! It’s a hunt to find any of them. While I definitely kicked the 2nd Edition in the mud, 2nd had its merits. I’m actually loath to say too much bad about it aside from “I didn’t like it”, for fear of seeming Grognardistic…

Anyways! Enough crying from me – here are those links~!

The Piazza has a forum:
-Someone has made Savage Worlds supplements… That’s another system that’d work! I’ve played using it before, and do I ever wish it got more attention… :heart_eyes_cat:

Greywolf has some cool resources:
-Highlights include travel distances! …not adjusted since 2010, though.
-Greywolf’s main page is at:

Here is an arr-chive of Taelohn’s page:
-If you jump around on Wayback Machine, you can probably find other instances of that page. Taelohn made conversions of RTS units, and some of the fan submissions are REALLY cool, and actually inspired me when I was a beginning role-player. :heart_eyes_cat:

Tagar Bearclaw’s was here:*/ < ---- You might be able to find some of his other stuff elsewhere, though! That is a HORRIBLY mangled version of things. I’ll do my best to find something that’s actually intact for you.
-Tagar Bearclaw made the 2E line Bearclawable!

Looking at these pages now is like our adventurers looking at abandoned Titan facilities, to me…

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and? your point is what… that a company did something doesn’t make a meh product better… pathfinder will never be better than meh as a roleplaying game.

That’s your opinion. WOTC having very bad business practices so far is FACT. The OGL? Sending the pinkertons after a guy? The monetization of basically everything? The AI art? Saying “mixed race” are bad?

again… just because WOTC has “shady” business practices doesn’t mean their product is bad… the GAME pathfinder is meh and will never be as good as D&D for adapting other games into it… stop trying to make it what the company is equals what they make.

Why is your reply hidden? I don’t think you posted anything offensive,

I am dead serious: The fact that there has never been a wow/warhammer 40k mmorpg is the greatest crime in the gaming industry… Factions, races, melee, ranged, apothecaries, and a lore that is so unreal, all other fiction lore is trying to keep up.

I have ran dungeons & dragons games in the world of Warcraft universe!

also Lord of the rings.

I’ve seen the old d20 version of everquest and all I can say is it would be difficult to get right without inventing a new system, and inventing a new system that actually plays well is super difficult.

I haven’t really done the table top thing in like 20 years so I don’t know what it’s like now, but from direct experience with 3rd edition d&d, it brought a lot of cool stuff to the table but as a DM, encounter difficulty was all over the place. In second at least I knew what to expect from a given monster. In third I had stuff that was supposed to be easy kill the party, and supposedly challenging stuff that didn’t put up an appropriate fight.

So I’m thinking the reason they haven’t messed with it is because if it’s not good no one will buy it and it will hurt the brand. But making it good would probably be cost prohibitive.

maybe its because games workshop is very tight with what companies can do with their licenses.

There is a WoW RPG with a rulebook. If you are really interested…you can find pdf’s of the rulebook online for free. The PDF I found is a third edition. It says Sword and Sorcery at the bottom.

But the main reason I downloaded it more than to actually play is that it has a good deal of information. Not sure if considered canonical. But it for example has a timeline of major events which ends after Admiral Proudmoore is killed and ending at year 30. So it doesn’t have more recent stuff.

But it also has extensive racial biographies/primers. It also provides some sample names for various races.

You have…

High Elf
Night Elf
Jungle Troll

and the available classes are a bit strange in that some seem to fall under specific categories…while others are more singular

Arcanist (Mage, Necromancer, Warlock)
Healer (Shaman, Druid, Priest)

Some of these can multiclass and then there are the prestige classes…

Archmage of Kirin Tor
Elven Ranger
Fel Sworn
Mounted Warrior

But this is where people tend to pull things like age, weight, etc. for roleplaying. Though it’s likely this can vary but it serves as a starting point.

Give me a Warcraft: total war…

But it does equal what they make because their poor attitude carries over to the product. The watering down of all the races and settings in 5th ed? Some of the books are so scant with info. Info that back in 2cd ed they had way more of. Meanwhile Pathfinder and Paizo has a lot more content for your money.

Total War: Warcraft

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