Should there be a D&D spinoff focusing on the WoW universe?

If by “current rts” you mean WC3 FT which came out 20 years ago…

Like others have said they tried this in the early 2000s but it didn’t work.
That being said the recent renaissance DnD has been seeing and the fact that the Warcraft franchise is now much more recognizable I feel like they’re in a position to try again.

If you need something to tide you over until this hypothetical becomes a reality I suggest checking out Warcraft Heroes 5E a fanmade handbook that’s actually very well put together.

and sixth edition is looking to put dnd right back down into the ground.

Couldn’t you just take DnD’s rules and DM a campaign in Azeroth? :thinking:

DnD’s Planescape setting in the 2nd Edition was better than the other Editions.

Planescape was grand and glorious! The only problem was that the Planes of the Great Wheel didn’t have much Art.

Incidentally Fan Sites like The Mimir( have extensive Fan Art and details of Mount Celestia’s 1st Layer Lunia(love the Arabian Areas though I feel they need more Pyramids) and the Abyss’s 1st Layer Pazunia and of Outlands.

As long as it’s not a wizard of the coast/Hasbro… I wouldn’t buy anything from them.

Yeah, that’s what I would do if. I was going to run a campaign.

And the core books are free.

Pathfinder is trash you mean. For the special snowflake that doesn’t feel OP enough playing D&D.

Like how they gave away the rights to Amazon for the Henry Cavil venture, which is now dead as GW has pulled the plug on the project? Games workshop has done so much good but whoever they seem to put in the chair of making long range and marketing decisions must be someone’s lover or the company has a nepotism problem. Their writers, Best in the world, painters, developers… all and more are pure genius but holy hell, they are seriously lacking in understanding their base… like when they banned and threatened youTube creators who made fan movies (Astartes for example). Still, the lack of a 40k MMORPG or its creative design elements in any game of WoW’s magnitude, remains the ultimate sin. imho

Yeah it’s amazing there’s no WH40K MMO. Maybe they don’t want to try it after the fantasy warhammer had meh results. I’d definitely play a well-made 40K MMO over practically any other game. They’ve done a really good job creating the WH/40K universe, but they really undersell it’s potential regularly, and put out lots of cheaper mediocre games instead of making fewer but bigger and higher quality ones.

DoW2 is still my fav RTS game, came out around the same time as SC2 and it felt lame AF playing SC2 in comparison to DOW2, too bad hardly anyone plays anymore.

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I’ve always wanted to get into D&D… Having WoW campaigns would certainly help tip me over.

I don’t get why WH40k is called “Warhammer” if it doesn’t involve warhammers, the most iconic weapon is a flaming sword.

Warhammer Fantasy was created first and name came from Harald Hammerstorm a chaos champion who wielded a hammer (Harry the Hammer), which was one of their first
models. They also had a different emperor who wielded a warhammer.

Then later in 40K the emperor used a flaming sword.

So the chaos warriors were the main characters? I feel that would’ve been cooler if it stayed that way imo. And who was the different Emperor who had another hammer? What about Sigmar?

There’s already one in the works

Sigmar Heldenhammer was the emperor of man in the fantasy version, and also used a hammer. He was partly inspired (IRL) by harry the hammer, which was created earlier. They revamped various things over time.

Then in 40K which came even later the emperor used a flaming sword. But the warhammer brand name is from harry the hammer (which was then later reinforced by the fantasy emperor using a warhammer). By the time they made 40K, Warhammer was already the brand name.

They were gonna make a wh40k at one point, there was a trailer for it an some gameplay.

They should, a well-made 40K MMO could be huge.

There’s also a big unfilled niche for a futuristic MMO, whereas most MMOs including WoW are in a fantasy setting. There was SWKOTOR but that was basically a theme park MMO on rails without much depth.

But making MMOs is very risky and very costly and takes a long time.

The idea was scrapped considering it wasnt popular, and it was a 3 faction war.

That was costly for em.
Tbh if they made one it’d better off being age of sigmar rn

D&D campaign can be created. If you want, you can DM your own campaign, with WoW as the back setting. Sure, the items, classes and rules will mainly be derived off of D&D but the story can be completely custom.