Should there be a D&D spinoff focusing on the WoW universe?

with sixth edition looking more and more like a turbocharged trainwreck…HOW ABOUT PATHFINDER INSTEAD?

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if hasbro has any say it isnt.

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Wow DND experience:

You applied for a M+ group, roll a performance check.

You roll an 17 and have a +8 from your io however you’re still declined from the group


Wow DND Experience #2

Alright so your team has vanquished the mighty red dragon and Soulrender the Soulblade, Devourer of Souls drops. Roll to see if you win.

You roll a 96 but Timothy rolls a 97 for transmog and wins, better luck next time

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There are several setting-agnostic TTRPG systems like GURPS and FATE that could easily be adapted to use the Warcraft setting.


Pathfinder is alright to play but you couldn’t pay me to DM. The ruleset is waaaay too bloated.

I haven’t looked at 6E much but if it’s bad then D&D players can comfortably just ignore it and keep using 5E until they come up with something better. Wouldn’t be the first time lol.


uhm… that actually sounds a lot like just wow. that just sounds like a typical lfr scenario.

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I’m pretty sure he meant it to.

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quit making alts to bypass the ignore function.also stop stalking me.

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Half the fun of running a TT RPG is getting to make my own world.


I’m sure someone has converted WoW to 5e at this point.

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You could easily just homebrew stuff.

Heck Critical Role did that with DnD 5e and WoW

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YAY! Runs off to search


Considering WoW is a knockoff of warhammer I am sure there are plenty out there already.

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and warhammer is a knock off of dnd.

Glinda - it is now unofficially official but not. All stalkers must henceforth only come after me.

Leave bread alone, leave anyone else alone.

Time to enter my realm. :smiling_imp:

Warcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer game, but Games Workshop yanked the license, so they wrote their own lore for something involving Orcs and Humans. The party that got ripped off was Blizzard, when GW backed out.

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They all stole from Tolkien.

Tolkien was smart enough to steal from people who’d been dead for a century or more.