A valid point isn’t automatically wrong just because someone lacks experience in something. I am pretty sure walking across fire hurts but I have never actually done it nor do I need to to have that opinion.
But “Mythic raids have the best gear” is. Or “Mythic bosses are the same as Normal, they just have more health and damage”. Or “raiding is the fastest way to gear”. Or “you don’t have to do M+ if you don’t want to”. Or “WoW doesn’t have a problem with class imbalance”.
Or any number of other bits of nonsense frequently spouted on this forum.
And people who play the game where these things matter, all know they’re lies.
I think it would just add clutter when it’s very easy to look other people up. And if someone goes out of their way to hide what credentials they might have on a topic, then they can safely be dismissed.
Not going to lie, I get enjoyment from seeing someone make very bold claims only for it be all made up.
Yes, and I 100% agree. The problem is people come here and start their OP with their “experience” as a way to leverage it to substantiate their argument. It’s a terrible argument, yet people do it constantly.
People who want to blow smoke and habitually give wrong answers to things they know nothing about should go over to the Tech Support forums and give phony answers there all day long.