Should the WoW forums have your highest progression achieved in the season under your portrait?

You mean the hidden forums?
Its to theorycrafty all the time.

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No… It will probably improve token and carry sales though. Blizzard should do it.

Everybody has their own motivations and narrative, there are even some poster who are FORCED to play Alliance but posts on an ugly Alliance character.

What they say is important, how they say it kinda, and if you take the forums seriously, you might have missed the point. Morevorver, some yellow star proved your idea is over awful.

It’s a video game, homie. I don’t care if someone claims to be a 9x MDI champion, I’m still gonna be mediocre at dungeons and have fun.

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Eh I think ap speaks enough on level of experience. You don’t get 30k from just pet battles.

And the way an inexperienced person talks about a topic, its pretty easy to tell that they don’t have a clue.
And just general attitude when posting. Being overly defensive and condescending is a massive red flag.

So we don’t really need a more apparent way to show experience when they self report so willingly.

Eh its pretty obvious in those threads who actually plays mm. Like I said above. They self report.

Nope, and just because someone pushes higher than someone else doesn’t invalidate the other persons experiences.

Someone who struggles timing +2’s is going to have complaints and those complaints are probably not things you experience or care about. By only listening to the top 1% is how we get things like TWW S1.

Besides just because someone stops at say 2.5K in a season doesn’t mean they couldn’t push higher but perhaps stopped because they stop at the rewards, don’t have people to play with regularly or just don’t care to challenge themselves and instead play to relax.

Honestly people need to stop wiping their junk out in the hopes to compare it to others. I’m not impressed by your size…

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Ahhh yes so we’re back to must be a Mythic raider to have an opinion, or Elite Glad, or KSH minimum? Man the gatekeeping this community does even seems to want to seep into the forums.

Let me be bold and say you could be a world first raider and have the worlds worst game design opinions.


If you’re talking about Mythic raiding, elite PvP, or high-end keys… yes.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about… don’t talk about it.

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Or don’t be surprised when called on it.

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Oh wow yessir I’m sorry sir. Please don’t hit me sir I won’t do it again my lord.

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The hunter threads are actually a great example of a topic where participation in competitive content should not be a requirement to participate in discourse. Players of all walks play hunters and only considering the opinions of one subset is kinda screwed up.

Now if we’re talking about something that applies to mythic raiding or absurdly high keys or something like that exclusively… yeah, sure, casuals probably shouldn’t get much of a seat at the table. The design of one of the most popular classes in the game is not such an issue.


Explain to me why anybody who doesn’t do Mythic raiding, to take a common example, would go into a thread about Mythic raiding and start spouting nonsense?

People do it all the time, I’m just wondering why you’re defending it.

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People are allowed to give their feedback and/or opinion about anything they don’t have to have even the slightest firsthand experience on it.

Sure, but I remember the storm when they removed water ele. All of a sudden people who played frost one day 5 years ago were throwing tantrums over the removal of a talent that was just never played. It’s kinda fine to not want to wade through all that.

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Let me know when your next doctor’s appointment is, so I can be in the room and start telling your doctor what medications you should take.

(Note that I am not a doctor. :joy: )

This is a wee bit of a stretch and you know it, I ehh hope.

…the false notion that ‘democracy’ means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.

All I do is PvP so my PvE achievements are gonna look like crap lmao, haven’t PvE’d seriously since like Cata.

Honestly I wouldn’t care- all the stuff I really care about in WoW is semi-casual PvP and super rare mounts and mogs.

And housing, once we get there.

And btw, in life everyone is gonna let you know their opinions, regardless of if they know the subject or not.

It’s what humans do.

Weird. I drove past a construction crew doing maintenance on a sewer main, yesterday. I didn’t stop and go over to tell them how I think they should do it.

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I mean people who only play a spec occasionally should probably get a bit of say too. Like I don’t play frost normally but the utility provided by the ele came in clutch in a few circumstances which is nice to have available should there be a need. One doesn’t have to main a spec to be unhappy with seeing it change.