Should the WoW forums have your highest progression achieved in the season under your portrait?

I don´t judge people based on their looks or ethnics, nor on their wealth or education. Why should I start doing this now in an online forum?

You could be the worst WOW player in history, if you are a kind person I will chat with you and have a good time.

The problem is not in ever being wrong, rather, the most deadly sin is to be so vain, so egotistical, as to never be able to admit being wrong. Because to never be wrong is to never learn right, to permanently stunt oneself to the lowest state of being.


“I wasn’t wrong. These are just alternative facts.”


The forums already have my highest current season progression achievement listed under my portrait.

Think some special posters do that already (well, if reddit is to be believed.)

As long as something is not outright wrong, it can be regarded as good advice. (Not like many people can actually verify.)

Just delete the WTF folder again, I’m sure that’ll fix everything.

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I’ll make an exception for Quenya and Hati.

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no cause as someone that has been here since the games released, cleared every raid while current, attaining every feat, title and ce up until the end of wod then going relaxed, it wouldnt.

i never attained any ce since wod. and i never went above m+ ratings beyond the portals. i choose not to hardcore no life wow anymore. i get my rewards and done now. so as a top 0.01% player it would make me look like i have no end game exp.

No. /10 chars

If the persons progression is easily found like per ur suggestion how will we recognize the truly unhinged folks who take the time to go searching other peoples armory just to use it against them on a forum about a 20 year old video game…


The people who get really upset when others get in the way of them lying all the time with impunity, are hilarious.

Disagree. Most of those people claiming to be hunters aren’t even hunters.

The others are so uneducated on the class they should be ignored.

It’s one spec not the entire class.

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And you have no current endgame exp or high m+ exp. What’s the problem?

Stratifying the wow forums is a horrible idea and you should actually feel bad.


It saves time to see if people have credibility.

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there is supposed to be a problem?

my guild disbanded shortly after wod ended. most of them / us are old school and nobody in there liked m+. i quit as well and was back and forth. now i just log into get my titles and ksh mount and play with my wife and son collecting stuff.

i dont have time for scheduled raids anymore due to a job and running a business.

If you don’t have time to raid, then you don’t have experience in current endgame. Making that known to others, bothers you because?

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you having an issue with the way people choose to play the game is funny. you need to get a life.


You seem extremely bothered if people can easily see if someone has credibility or not regarding a post.

No one cares how you choose to play.

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I’ve seen other multiplayer online game forums display achievements and otherwise put certain players on pedestals and the result is an actual ****show. High achiever members just act like they’re the big fish in town all the time.

We already see achievement points. Better hide that too?

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