Should the WoW forums have your highest progression achieved in the season under your portrait?

You dismiss people based on their opinions. You also want content that’s irrelevant to you to be changed because you’re “”“forced”“” to do it for a week or two. You don’t care who else it affects.

If someone doesn’t do delves as their primary end game content, I’m not going to take their opinion about delves seriously.

I want the game more fun for myself. I don’t care about how much fun other people have.

I don’t think it’s wrong to think that way.

But in context of delves and gear, that content will function fine even with lower ilvl.

Complaining about LFR became a lot less when Blizzard placed a wall called Flex Raid (now normal) there.

Right back at you.

So your fun is dependent on gear you can see out in the world. Not even gameplay? It’s all about what OTHER PEOPLE HAVE.

You seem to think I care about what other people have. I don’t.

Let me explain this so even you can understand it.

Gear is on a set ilvl range in a given season. This season it’s ilvl 567 to ilvl 639. I care about what I have on this spectrum. I don’t care what you or anyone else has. That’s what you can’t wrap your head around. It’s not other players, it’s the overall ilvl spectrum.

Okay, so you don’t care about gameplay. Just an ilvl number on a spectrum.


I care about my gameplay. I have specs I find very fun to play and others I can’t stand to play. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t fun for me.

I don’t care about YOUR gameplay. I don’t care about what YOU find important in this game.

Just keep proving how clueless you are on this subject.

Then clearly ilvl is not the overarching concern.

You really care about what other people have though.

If they increased mythic raid rewards (to compensate for its difficulty) you’re going to be the first one up in arms.

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The ilvl is a concern for you.

Stop projecting. I don’t care what other people have. You clearly do because you constantly cry nerf for content you don’t even do. It’s pathetic.

If they increase the number on the overall spectrum then all content should have that number go up. That’s just logic.

Increasing Mythic raid rewards wouldn’t increase the overall spectrum, it would merely make rewards appropriate to the challenges involved. The entire system is bottom-heavy with hyper-inflated rewards at the low end and unrewarding junk at the top, considering the challenge disparity.

Ilvl is not a concern for me. I don’t care about what ilvl people have unless if it affects my content.

m+ can use timewalking scaling for all I care.

It’s almost 2025, if it’s not bolted down, it’s going to get thrown at you.

So just more gear dropping in a mythic raid?

You’re playing the wrong game then.

It doesn’t serve much as people often discredit themselves by voicing their opinions. The inaccuracies in their claims should be obvious to anyone with experience.

Like how m+10s are harder than 4/8 M.

The number of ways that Ion has screwed over raiding since he took over is a pretty extensive list, but doubling the amount of loot that drops to bring raids in line with 5-mans on a per-person basis would be the absolute minimum.

Raids used to drop more loot, but they nerfed it at the start of Shadowlands. People forget that.

You paid for your forum progress. I pugged mine out.

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I’m all for it. I don’t mythic raid but that aspect of the game should be rewarding. I’m fine with where I am on the spectrum of ilvl currently. I just don’t want what I currently have taken away from me.

At very least, they can stop trying to funnel people into M+.

(More crests in raid, more drops.)