Should the night elf fangs be removed?

I like that it gives them more a feral look.

No, blizzard did a long time ago, since Vanilla, actually.

But just because Blizzard defanged them, doesn’t mean they should lose the fangs.

Now what is that supposed to mean?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Have you seen night elf selfies? I show my fangs for lots of expressions.

No, but they are devolved trolls. So from that perspective they make sense. And the other elves are devolved in turn from them, so it also makes sense that the others’ would be less pronounced.

I assume you meant canines and you’d be surprised at the variation in humans.

If that’s wrong, then baby I don’t wanna be right!

I gave up my eyeballs.

I’m keeping my fangs.


That’s very human of you…

They be da remnants of dey ol tusks, mon.

The better to eat you with?

Female night elves are angry and scary, so I do think they should be defanged.

You get a like for that kickass song.

Anyway, I’m keeping my fangs, and you attempt to remove them at your peril.

They are mutated descendants of trolls, which have large tusks for fangs.

Soon as they remove the giant forearms on human males.

Humans are not Popeye the Sailor.

We are everything the trolls dream of being.

Fangs > tusks … by a long shot :grin::wink:

They all will be come shadowlands.

They’re called canines, you philistine!

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which is odd really, all the other elves came from night elves and highborne as the shared genealogical ancestor, plus Night elf druids of the claw were kind of responsible for the Worgen race so it makes sense that at least the “claw” druid night elves would have fangs and sharp elongated nails in their original form when not shifted.

Pretty sure night elves are the closest elf to their original, proper Troll form. The fangs are the small, piddly echo of their once proud tusks.
Leave them be. They’ve suffered enough.