I pretty sure no one dreams of having a tiny head and huge man-hands.
Hey at least I can properly grip a full sized whopper!
/hides hands behind back.
As per current lore, Alleria is officially a Void Elf.
So still a high elf
Nelves are biologically, very close to their troll cousins, even if they scream heresy and stab you for pointing that out.
High Elves are defined in-game as those uncorrupted Thalassian elves that did not 1) suck the mana out of living beings and/or 2) never left the Alliance, so no, she’s no longer a High Elf.
Just FYI, I’m not with him. But If you need to start burning, lemme know as an FYI, cool?
Fangs do not mean vampires.
Alleria never truly left the Alliance she left Azeroth to fight the Horde of Draenor (Outland) Got stuck there and then ended up fighting the Legion .
By the way Blood Elves didn’t change their name because they were corrupted by Fel . They named changed before then .
Don’t even try. Diehard high elf fans are mentally insane, and actually think that there’s a major biological difference between HE and BE
As per developer statements, all Thalassian elves are exactly the same apart from cultural differences. A high elf is a blood elf is a felblood elf is a void elf.
Elves often represent whatever magic they’re most attuned too… and Night Elves are very attuned to nature magic.
Those fangs are what is left of their tusks from troll heritage.
“hey if your hands are bigger than your face you have cancer!”
person with tiny head and giant man hands: “really?” does it
100% chance you “have” cancer with that setup …
Query: havent the Night Elves even de-fanged enough?
Statement: let’s not remove their one sexy featu- cough I mean their one savage feature left.
Night Elves are related to Trolls, who have giant tusk canines.
Over time they got smaller, but never disappeared.
I can’t believe this is still going X_X
troll heritage
New feature. Heritage fangs.
Level from 1-120 and unlock a new set of Heritage fangs.
You may remove my fangs from my cold, dead jaws.