Should the night elf fangs be removed?

i will scratch YOUR EYES OUT! If u come near me. ROAR! and rip you TO SHREDS

All you night elves do is show them when your angry. It’s not a very positive image on you.

Nelfs are pretty fierce and savage. All the Orcs should’ve been ripped apart for even daring to enter Ashenvale. It’s pathetic that we didn’t.

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The further Night Elves can move towards being less milquetoast, the better.

Given Blizzard’s borderline pathological obsession with avoiding “stereotypical fantasy races*” a part of me is surprised at how generic and boring the Night Elves have since become.

*raceS - they're allowed to have one, which they wasted on the hyper-generic Bronzebeard Dwarves.

they’re pretty
pretty sexy.

I am :wink:


Those are called Worgen, hun.

Night elves have fangs? Since when?

Cats and dogs have fangs, they arnt vampires.
night elves are more connected to their feral ancestry, so yeah they are gunna have fangs.
idk if you know, but humans have fangs too, but they are just smaller then those of other species, they are called “canines”

The demons and humans(alliance) got in the way.

The classic female model didn’t even have teeth. I don’t think you can take their lack of any teeth at all as proof that they didn’t have fangs.


Given that all elves are descended from the trolls, that’s what’s left of our tusks.


Huh? Pretty sure mine had teeth… :thinking:

I’ll have to go back and check. It’s been a while. Hehe

I always wanted to eat a naaru

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Checked and you’re right! We have no upper teeth! There’s a hint of a line of bottom teeth, but no upper!

Too sharp and pointy. It’d be like crunching on stained glass. With added illumination!

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Its okay. I can take it

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Our fangs are for making love not war. But if you really want to see my fangs as a feral druid I’ll be happy to rip your face off with them. :slight_smile:

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Night elves are the most closely related to their troll ancestors, so it makes sense for them to have the biggest teeth. Also, ever paid close attention to Sylvanas in the cinematics? She’s got some sharp ones herself.

Think you can see them whenever you do a /laugh. I have k9s myself irl so I like having them on my char too.

I think the Horde clipped their fangs in 8.0.