Wrath was the peak subscriber count in all of WoW’s history. Literally most players would agree that this is the best time because it had a little over 12 million subs at it’s peak.
BFA had like 2 million but now has way more than this because of Classic.
I started in TBC. I loved it and I loved Wrath. Its nostalgic for me.
dude why are you quoting me?
I didn’t say that - I quoted someone else as the “majority” is unfounded and an opinion only
I played Beta, and Vanilla, but not at end game. My first max-level character was in BC, and I also loved Wrath. I was excited for Classic, because I wanted to experience old content, but without arenas, I don’t think its end game is as interesting as BC (or Retail).
I’m not a fan of RBGs, particularly, and don’t really consider BGs to be legitimate PvP.
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I fixed it lol, I thought I could quote the person straight from your post that you quoted.
I was speaking from my private server experience. Not how it was originally done by Blizzard.
As long as my warlock is 60 by that time then i would be okay with character copy
I am confident that Blizzard will choose the absolute worst possible method. Probably allowing streamer/1337 guilds to copy their characters after they’re gold capped and then they will change the rules to end the exploit for normal people while allowing the streamer/1337 guilds to keep their ill-gotten gold with no consequences.
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Ultimately, it depends on how Blizzard views the games. If the games are viewed as discrete xpacs, then fresh toons in TBC remastered.
However, if they allowed your toon to be copied from Classic, you wouldn’t be able to ever go back to Classic with that toon. Can’t have two different versions of your toon existing in different xpacs at the same time, one 60 and under in Classic, the other 58+ in TBC remastered. Can’t have level 70s going back to Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms creating havoc on PvP realms in Classic either.
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I’m hoping not only do we get to move our 60s but they offer a paid faction change. Realistically though I suspect the easier option will be to advance some servers to TBC and keep others/open new Classic servers as a fresh start.
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If they do BC then I would like a fresh start, no xfer or copy of Classic toons allowed.
Personally I’d like to see an early TBC “prelaunch” where Blood Elves and Draenei are available and the tbc balance changes are in for 2-3 weeks in advance, so people with a raiding guild have time to catch up before 60-70 content is unlocked.
Either way I think it should use current characters, not a fresh start.
Selfish attitude. Basically “I got my cake so no one else should.”
Good idea, but the classic peeps would lose their poo.
Totally reasonable, and that’s the natural progression of vanilla wow. I swear these “fresh start” people are just die hard classic players who want to create as many obstacles as possible so we don’t leave their servers.
no, its not classic wow. It changed things. Also people gamed the system with layering. No, we need a fresh start.
Blizzard should have both.
Blizzard should have a progressive servers.
By allowing players characters to progress to TBC.
But once players progress to TBC there can not be going back to classic.
When playing TBC and you go to mainland you are still on a TBC server and not a classic server.
Now as for starting fresh should also be an option.
With the option to pay for instant 60 for just TBC servers.
People that want to play TBC came to play TBC not mainland content.
Yes this will split the player base but no one cared about that when Classic was launched.
I’d rather Blizzard handle progressive classic like Everquest did, by having staggered servers. So continue these servers to TBC, then some time later (maybe during TBC) release some fresh servers on Vanilla classic, and if we get classic Wotlk move those vanilla servers to tbc and the tbc servers to wotlk and create new vanilla servers.
There’s won’t be any of this character copy nonsense or fresh server rubbish. They will force the current servers to tbc and if you’re lucky they’ll give you a chromie npc that let’s you phase into a classic layer and lock xp.