Should TBC be a fresh start?

No thanks!!

yes and no. They should flag some servers to TBC, and make more TBC servers along side more vanilla servers if need be. But a fresh server, imo, would be suicide depending on the population vs classic.

I really want them to. Look at the economy in retail, if we keep letting people copy characters and their gold to the next expansion we are gonna be in the same boat but 5 expansions sooner.


No, I donā€™t want to be forced to pay more script money to level another 60, then to 70. Keep current characters just as they did when TBC was released.

you are not forced to do anything. You can stay i classic.

Clarify: I want to experience TBC again, but not by having to re-level a toon.

Crusade servers lol, how about let us enjoy Vanilla Classic for a couple years first, thanks.

Iā€™m sure you can enjoy classic vanilla for a couple of years while a lot of us are enjoying classic tbc.


ā€œhaving toā€ seems hyperbolic. You may not enjoy the leveling experience (i.e. part of playing the game) in Classic and/or Classic BC, but if you think the leveling experience is such a big deal that youā€™d rather not do it, perhaps Retail is a better environment. End game Classic is not particularly ā€œamazing.ā€

Actually, Iā€™d be curious just what it is about Classic that you enjoy. Care to share?


I enjoy leveling, but just once. I want to play TBC but on THIS ROGUE. And not being forced to start a ā€œfreshā€ new character on a new expansion. Its not hard to understand this.

No, it isnā€™t hard to understand. And, it is in line with the progression that happened originally.

I think itā€™s reasonable.

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When TBC was released in 2007 you absolutely continued on the expansion with your current 60. You werenā€™t forced to spend a month to re-level a fresh toon to 60 again then to level in Outland to 70.

Iā€™m not sure what you think Iā€™ve statedā€¦ nor why youā€™re stating this.

Iā€™ve already stated my personal opinion on what I think should happen above:

Donā€™t worry about the people advocating for only fresh realms. It wonā€™t happen. If people canā€™t see the sense in BOTH fresh servers and ones you can transfer or copy characters to, well thatā€™s just unfortunate lol.
There is just simply no way blizzard will make us start all over again on the next iteration of the game lol. Makes zero sense. By that logic, when shadowlands goes live, people have to start at level 1 again lol :rofl:
If people want to start fresh, they can go right ahead on the fresh servers while the rest of us continue the story and adventures in the mmo.

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Yes, but many did not want anything past vanilla.

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Your opinion but not mine nor borne out with people I personally interact.

This works for me.

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I donā€™t know if a majority want TBC. It seems split with WOTLK and so itā€™s hard to say.

I do want TBC for the purpose of seeing what a dumpster fire outland will be with mega servers and horde being like 80% elves.

The BG wait times will be laughably bad and areans will be filled with cheese team min/max builds with the best racials.

The content will be consumed so fast. Please do tbc because I want to see the chaos for myself.

Most people playing right now will want to move into TBC and then Wrath. So the best solution is to keep these current servers as they are and progress them up to Wrath.

What about Classic Vanilla? They should have a window where they allow free character transfers for all of your toons to new servers made to be Classic Vanilla forever. This way everyone now gets to just wait for TBC and those people who still want to be in Classic Vanilla servers can transfer their whole roster over to a new server that will remain Classic Vanilla.

If they did this in reverse and keep all current servers as Vanilla and made new TBC ones to transfer off of, itā€™ll leave behind literal ghosted servers.

So yeah, itā€™s better to do it the way I said. Everyone who wants Classic Vanilla forever, can condense into maybe the 3 to 10 servers that will remain rather than all current servers being dead lol.

Classic Vanilla will be smaller than TBC. So lets pick a solution where both sides win. Classic Vanilla gets a few servers that will still be populated with dedicated fans and the majority of current players will get to move onto TBC with our servers that exist currently. Win/win.


get behind me satan
help me i want the same

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Yeah, as long as there is choice to continue on to a forever Classic Vanilla or Classic BC, I think it can appease all.

Also, since there were fresh servers at the launch of BC that were not open to transfer, then that should also be a thing for Classic BC, whether majority or minority.

In any case, I hope we have a progression path that we all can enjoy and look forward to.

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