Should TBC be a fresh start?

Pretty sure anything would put someone to sleep who solos dire maul tribute with a level 16 hunter.

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I am a bit of an adrenalin junkie.

(I figure itā€™s our duty to help out when someoneā€™s on tilt like that.)

Interesting perspective. The time to level is so long, that I think fresh level 1 server would be too much. I like the idea of starter level 60 gear included with a character copy. I think legendaries should be copied over as well only because then there is little point in getting an Atiesh. Professions, mounts, and pets as well.

This. Keep TBC as far away from Classic servers as possible.


I think Iā€™d reroll as a Paladin. Pally tanking in BC was my favorite, I loved it. But itā€™s just not as good in classic, as we all know.

I agree.

TBC fresh, no transfers if they do it. Iā€™m not interested in having my character that I have spent thousands of hours on collecting gear to have this gear ā€œresetā€ by quest greens.

Besides, if you thought the faction balance was bad in classic, just wait til the horde have paladins.


Just give few month notice so people that want to play tbc have time to lvl in classic.

Did I have to start from scratch in TBC? Only if i was a new playerā€¦ So the obvious answer is no, you shouldnā€™t have to start over.


Or if you wanted to play

  • on a new server
  • a blood elf or dranei
  • the opposite faction
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but none of that discounts an established characterā€¦ no you shouldnā€™t have to start fresh unless you ā€˜want toā€™


I agree. You made a valid point.

There are some people who would like to stay in a Classic Vanilla forever scenario, and some who would like to continue on to Classic BC, with their characters.

I have no insight into what the plans are, and donā€™t particularly care either way, tbh, but I think a reasonable scenario would be:

Make some dedicated Classic forever servers, and be allowed to transfer characters with all assets to those, and upgrade the current Classic servers to BC.

And, to also release some new BC servers that you are not able to transfer to.

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I believe in choiceā€¦ the more choices we have the betterā€¦ I think that allowing players that choice is the wisest decision. So if you want to reroll you can as that is pretty much a standard in the gameā€¦ You want to delete and reroll you canā€¦ If you want to advance a current characterā€¦ Well that should be allowed as well.

Why do so many people want fresh start? Whether the journey was flawed or not, I am a big fan of keeping what I have built.

Yes, fresh start.

But Iā€™m mainly selfishly saying that because Iā€™d be playing a belf pally and need to restart from scratch anyway.

Fresh start. Leave classic to itself and its population. TBC should be another stand alone client just as separate as classic is from retail. Plus would not have all the baggage brought over from the cheating layering abuse that happened so much in classic early on. New fresh start with new community to build it.


Blood Elves.

You should be able to copy your char to the TBC enabled server, the same exact way you currently copy your character onto the PTR. The only exception of course would be itā€™s a one-time copy onto the TBC server, per character of course. Lets you keep your characters on both the classic and tbc enabled realms ā€“ so you can play whichever version you want, whenever you want. Thatā€™s gotta be the best way of going about it. If people want to reroll fresh on a TBC server, they can do that. If people donā€™t want to, they donā€™t have to.

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Whether transfer or copy, i think itā€™s silly that there are people who are advocating for a complete seperate game with ONLY fresh realms for tbc. When tbc came out we didnā€™t start from level 1 again, so we shouldā€™t for classic tbc.
We would need tbc servers we can copy/transfer to, and fresh ones for the players who want fresh.
I would love copy, but I think transfer makes more sense. Would be happy for either one.

Fresh is fine if its a free level 60. I ainā€™t leveling 1-60 again, i hate it so much!!

Stop, you know you love it.