Should TBC be a fresh start?

They would have to make it separate servers because then ppl would just play pservers meaning less dollars for blizzard

As long as there is at least one healthy classic server going, it should be fine. I having a blast playing classic donā€™t get me wrong but tbc is where my heart is.

Because the majority of people playing classic want TBC.

The majority opinion is that BC and WOTLK were the glory days of Wow. Sure classic is okay but their are so many garbage things with classic that need to be addressed.

Class bugs
Gear design
You have to PVE to PVP. Not a single pvpā€™r wants to pve to gear.
Multiple specs being complete trash due to Mana or gearing issues.
Naxx tier gear being a legit 1 shot fest in pvp
So many other QOL things like druid having to shift into human form to talk to npcs or pick up lots of different quest items.

BC was a giant step in the right direction it didnā€™t start to go down hill until after WOTLK and when Activision starting calling the shots.


I expect there will always be at least one server to fight pservers.

It doesnā€™t make much sense to me to let people transfer their classic characters over to brand new TBC servers when/if they launch. Iā€™m sure there will be a lot of players that come back to the game to play and will be way behind people because they didnā€™t play on classic servers. Iā€™m assuming TBC servers will be handled similar to classic with time locked progression that eventually leads to the portals opening.

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May as well just take us all the way back to BFA

It may have been the first Expansion after Classic, but it was by not means a logical continuation of it because it changed core mechanics of Classic.

Leveling from 1-70 in TBC was not the same experience as Leveling from 1-60 before TBC.

Talents changed, Skills Changedā€¦ Progression changed too, in both PVE and PvP. Additional Stats were added such as Resilience which segregated Gear in to PvP and PVE gear, and with it the player activity, and Arenas were added which shifted the focus from Battlegrounds.

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There should be no TBC.

I am here and I am suggesting that there will be a classic tbc and also that there should be.

Are you familiar with the slipper slope fallacy?

They probably will allow people to keep their classic characters.

That being said. I suspect many people will drop their classic character with TBC because the TBC had much better itemization/balancing.

I want the option to copy my character so I can continue to play Classic, and play TBC as well.

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BC runs into issues that Vanilla doesnt. Since BC was an expansion alot of players where already leveled and wanted to play new content. This would be fine but they introduced new races and classes to the factions that start at level 1. Now you have 2 choices. A: force everyone to level again B: allow people to have lvl 60 (however that would work). Both have positives and negatives. hard to say which is better.

Not my fault they quit. Itā€™s on them to get to 60. Itā€™s not like blizzard wonā€™t announce it well in advance.

Right, and thereā€™s also the question of how the economy would be affected by Classic lvl 60s marching off into Outland. The nice thing about fresh Classic servers was being part of a brand new economy; having a profession was incredibly valuable and meaningful (not that it isnā€™t now, but especially so then). It made Phase 1 probably my favorite phase minus the queues.

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Iā€™ll join the choir busily singing, ā€œIf TBC becomes a reality it needs to be its own separate server cluster. And NO copy-paste of your existing 60, either. If youā€™re so gung-ho over TBC then you can by-God prove it by starting fresh alongside everyone else and building a community from scratch.ā€



I donā€™t think there should ever be an ability to copy over your character from Classic, except for PTR purposes.


I donā€™t understand the rationale of having players spend more time grinding through Vanilla content AGAIN before they can access TBC content.


You should be able to copy over and continue your journey.

So true.