Should TBC be a fresh start?

Tbc will kill them regardless except for a handful of players who only want classic.

I vote for fresh start servers. It’s only fair and would let low level content still be played. If people only want 60-70 content, then they just don’t understand the “spirit” of WoW and I would rather they never release TBC servers.


That’s pretty much what I said.


Because if I want to go back and play “Vanilla” classic I should be able.

I don’t operate on pretty much. You said probably. I don’t believe probably comes into the equation. TBC will 100% destroy classic.

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Yeah, okay.

Won’t be any classic servers either.

Why do you think it will destroy classic?

Copy is the lazy and worst solution. best is to start fresh. Transfer not copy is the middle ground.

The only problem I see of character copy will be the bottle neck at hellfire causing server lag and intense competition, pvp etc. the new layering tech may also fix this.

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Because TBC wasn’t in classic wow? I’m not saying moving on to TBC won’t be better, but it will be the end of classic wow, literally
 unless they make it a separate thing. In my humble opinion.

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I think it’s pretty simple, it should run off of existing classic once the content gets stale, which will be a good while.

I’m sure some Classic servers will remain so as a static museum-piece game, with accommodations made for people to transfer to them at no cost if they have no desire to play on a newer/converted TBC enabled server. Hopefully, they will also create some “fresh start” TBC servers as well, where no transfers are allowed onto them (except from other “fresh start” TBC servers).

That’s actually untrue. All of T5 and Hyjal were in the game at launch, though they required attunements to enter.

TBC shipped with the most raid content live of any expansion

Tbh, transfer or copy is the same difference to me. I only bought classic for the eventual TBC release. I wont touch classic once TBC drops.


You’re dumb and so is your post.

It is wildly more popular.

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Definitely sounds like a cluster fudge. Also the population won’t be divided into fifths like the start of vanilla because of Racial starting areas.

no id like to copy my classic chr over to a classic tbc server and level from 60 to 70.

That would almost be the equivalent of allowing people to purchase near-max level characters. You wouldn’t mind if some characters leveled from one and others brought their character in already high level?