Should TBC be a fresh start?

The only people who will have experienced a fresh start during BC’s most complete patch were the ones who bought WoW between that patch and BC’s end.

Nobody is going to feel nostalgic about having to level through an un-nerfed classic experience just so you can start leveling in BC.

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This :confused: 1-58 is the worst part of the TBC experience.


Like 75% of the playerbase is gonna be rerolling a blood elf, so like it or not you are gonna be here with the other 7500 or so players on your server.

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Why do you think that?

I’d rather they let you copy your 60 over to those servers. I really don’t want to level 1-60 again on a few characters.

When the level squish comes i want to copy my 60 from retail to TBC. Play a real version of the game.

You should be able to do a server wide snapshot that they announce at least a week in advance so people can make sure they don’t have crap on the AH or in mail they’d lose, I say this instead of an account wide snapshot because then you’d have people trading all their gold/rare mats to one person in the guild, snapshot and then trade it to the next person in the guild and snapshot xfer etc etc etc, that way we COULD keep names and avoid the market getting hyperinflated.

TBC is much better than classic so it seems like a rational move.


I mean it is a fresh start, everyone is basically level 1 again once you move through the portal.

I would like to be able to CLONE 1-3 characters from classic.

I would still like to be able to play classic. with my classic toons.

But i would like to be able to continue into TBC.


Still a far cry away from retail. No LFG, LFR, harder content (leveling and heroics), talent trees still exist, professions actually matter.

Wotlk is closer to retail for sure, but it still has a lot of the classic soul without completely going over the line into retail casualfest.

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Because the majority of people DO want TBC and beyond.

I wanted Classic, because it’s the gateway to TBC which is vastly a better expansion.

If you argue it isn’t it’s because you’re biased of flying mounts. Which is fine, but the fact almost every spec is viable is proof in the pudding. Ret? Sure. Boomkin? Yup. Paladin Tank? ya, ez hyjal clear.

TBC is inevitable, and the forum posters will complain as they always will. But TBC > WotlK > Classic > Everything else.


Black > Blue > Purple

TBC = Refined, Better Version of Classic
as to OP, Copied characters would appease most, even though many would reroll Blood Elf (Seal of Blood mmm)


I really hope it is a fresh start, mostly so I can get my guild to switch to horde though =)


You know this will be a challenge though my good beast :wink:

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Won’t be any tbc servers my dude

ROFL typed with such confidence about an unknown future.

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No. Why would anyone want to start over?

I agree with character -move-… if you want to go play BC… go fer it… but let the classic people stay and play as long as they want