Should TBC be a fresh start?

Maybe? Content seems to be pushed out quicker than expected on the NA servers. Perhaps it could be sooner?

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That’s the reason behind my suggestion.

They’ll keep at least one active to combat pservers.

I think there should be and will be. And I think it will be a character copy situation and several fresh realms without copying.


Because vanilla, BC and WotLK are the holy trinity of WoW. I wouldn’t be surprised if BC or WotLK Classic ended up being more popular than vanilla Classic.


No, we want to keep our Thunderfurys and Rank 14 and T3 gear (of which I have none but still)

I would venture to say that if you polled the classic community you would find a majority of classic players wanting to transition to TBC. The “Classic/Vanilla only and nothing but Classic/vanilla” population would be a minority.

But not to worry, i think blizz will leave classic servers as is, and that minority will be able to play among themselves into perpetuity with a much lower population though.


What would stop anyone from keeping those pieces of gear?

They’re never going to make everyone happy on this one. Some people want private style fresh classic servers every 1.5-2 years. Some people want classic hardmode. Others want the current Classic servers to never reset or transition to TBC.

Some people want TBC. Some will want their level 60 characters to transfer over. Some will want a fresh start. So do you make separate servers just for TBC? Do you let those who want to transfer their classic 60’s to it while everyone else starts from scratch? (rememeber some people want only tbc and have played very little of classic or none at all). What does that do to the Classic playerbase? Do you relaunch fresh Classic servers at the same time along side TBC servers? How many of each do you launch?

Obviously the problem mostly stems from it not being 2006. The game was never meant to stay stagnant forever. It transitioned from expac to expac. This is all new territory, and they’re going to have to make hard decisions that will be guaranteed to displease tons of players no matter what those decisions are.


I would definitely like a copy feature from Vanilla to TBC at a time of my choosing (provided it can eliminate any gold exploits - I’d be fine if it would just transfer my geared toon over).

Regarding “fresh” servers, I’d be fine if they kept the portal closed for a couple of months and let the levelers get to 60 before TBC content opens up. I would dislike it if it was just fresh only from level 1 - not interested in redoing the Vanilla experience just to get to the TBC content.

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It is a really tough call on how they should do it. Having played on a fresh TBC private server a few years ago I have an input from that situation.

Starting fresh at level 1 on a TBC realm made everything feel like a great character progression experience. One you entered Outland, you had nice upgrades throughout the questing process as well as a motivation to run dungeons, even having quests done for them already. Content was regulated with Kara, Gruul, and Mag being the only three raids at release (tier 4).

Gold had to be farmed and made the world more immersive. People will say that flying had ruined the pvp experience but I didn’t notice anything of that sort. Consistently you could find pvp battles at farm spots, even on a lower pop private server as the best gold making in my experience came from farming primals for mats (average cost of a primal was 20g for a fire), so its somewhat shocking to see Black Lotus and Flasks up at 150-200g in Classic. The gold situation might be absurd if you were to just transfer the current character over. I currently have 14,000 gold in classic, which I know isn’t the norm but people like myself could ruin markets on certain servers in TBC.

IMO, Naxx gear is too strong at the beginning of TBC. A very few select guilds who were geared from Naxx stepped through the portal the first time around. If we have half a year for everyone to get Naxx geared out this time around, it will potentially take some luster from TBC Heroic Dungeons and early Kara-Gruul-Mag loot.

This is all my opinion but a fresh start from level 1 on a TBC server or a copy of our character but with “starting gear” for TBC would be the way to go for the most immersive experience. I would love to bring my thousands of gold and gear with me but IMO it could ruin the experience of what TBC was meant to be.

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Copy makes the most sense with the ability to ‘‘transfer’’ the copy to one of the new tbc servers. This keeps the possibility of classic staying alive, and also gives tbc value to classic players who just spent an insane amount of time getting AQ/PVP/NAX rewards.

TBC is gonna be a hard pass. Already did private server practice on netherwing. Trust me when i say that if you thought molten core is a snoozefest and boring after a few clears, kara is gonna actually put you to sleep. No, seriously, it is so boring after your nostalgia goggles wear off.
The classes are boring despite being ultra buffed. Nobody is pressing any new buttons.
Farming is literally just primal airs, and clefthoof leather. Nothing else matters. Good luck when you got 1000+ players all fighting over the elemental plateau at the same time.
Please, no, let me just stay in classic.


I would suspect it would be the opposite. Move the current classic servers forward to BC and open new, fresh Vanilla servers. That would be the easiest approach for them.

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Because there is a Classic PTR now and Blizzard is hiring devs for Classic. If they didn’t have any new ideas or BC in mind they wouldn’t be hiring Devs.

I haven’t seen too many actual problems with simply copying characters over from vanilla to burning Crusade. Provided you can’t go back of course. If someone has I’d like to hear them.

Think of it this way. If you attach the burning Crusade servers to vanilla, you must do something about the burning Crusade changes to vanilla. During leveling Etc. By attaching the servers you are destroying vanilla leveling gameplay. By keeping the server separate you are serving both communities fully. Except the people who want to run vanilla raids as they were in burning Crusade. But screw them ;)-

I’d prefer copies. I really don’t want to level a lock 1-60 again if I don’t have to. Plus imo 1-60 isn’t the BC experience. If I want the 1-60 experience I’ll play classic.

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It is most certainly true that the burning Crusade is significantly closer to retail than classic is. However for some, myself included, the massively increased difficulty while leveling in the burning Crusade as compared to retail is a critical component of our gameplay. Despite all the level scaling that’s one ingredient that mysteriously hasn’t been restored.

Yes, it should.

There is a probability that there will be brand new servers in the future, maybe before or maybe after. That may be the closest you will get to “fresh” but that will likely be a low pop server. And any character over level 10 would be able to swap into it.

Also, most new servers were target realms of free transfers. The likelihood of seeing a completely fresh server with a lockout for transfers from blizzard…NEvER :frowning: