Should TBC be a fresh start?

Character copy.
No inventory/bank. Just mounts, hearthstone, and currently equipped gear.
Every copied character comes with 50g.
One copy per max level (60) toon per account.
Quest logs cleared as well.

However, I still feel like weā€™re making some progress here. I swear, Iā€™m not trying to be a mean 'ol monster. Iā€™m just explaining the reality of the situation here.

Anyhoot, I can prove that BC content is different from Vanilla content prior to Outlands. The ā€œperkā€ of Vanilla, to some, is not having Guild Banks, Summoning Stones and Shamans/Paladins exclusive to their respective factions.

For some, the point of BC is for Guild Banks, Summoning Stones and access to these ā€œexclusiveā€ Classes. Along with playing two different Races.

For some, the point of Wrath would be the DKs, Duel-Specs, Achievements, etc.

And for others, Cata so Nelves can be Mages, Undead can be Hunters, Trolls can be Druids, etc.

All these ā€œperksā€ are inaccessible in certain versions of the Game. Itā€™s not just about Outlands, Northrend, the destruction of Azeroth, etc.

Thatā€™s nice and all, but itā€™s frankly not enough.

If I have to start from level one again to play, Iā€™m looking at waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too many hours to get to the content I care about in TBC (the actual zones, dungeons, raids, pvp, etc). In the original transition, I could start this content immediately.

As a result, I think transfers to allow for that same kind of transition to be possible are neccessary. I think doing otherwise, myself and many others who would otherwise enjoy a TBC classic, will consider it not worth the time investment required to finally START.

I guess what Iā€™m saying is, if you donā€™t have at least some servers that allow transfers from classic, you are kneecapping the game.

Itā€™s plenty. It was never about beginning at level 60 and play in Outlands. 'Cause I didnā€™t begin until BC, and I had no level 60 character to play in Outlands, until I leveled it.

I think you can see why some from Standard oppose Classic :slight_smile:

This is where I chime in and propose a transfer system of my Classic Characters over to Standard. Why ā€œwaste timeā€ re-leveling the same Character, twice?

I donā€™t agree. Theyā€™re different games.

You keep saying TBC is a seperate game. This is your justification for us having to start from scratch.

It is not, nor ever has been. It is an expansion pack. It fundamentally does not work without classic content. Adding a separate launcher option or a separate set of servers does not change this. It relies on classic areas, code, systems, and content to function. It cannot stand on its own; large swathes of classic are required to play TBC.

Blizzard has released several expansion packs over the years. Not one of them has required players to start over from level 1, unless they wanted to play new classes/races. The option to continue an existing character has always been present.

Frankly, weā€™re arguing in circles around the same issue I mentioned earlier. I think being able to progress a character between expansions is vital, you disagree.

As to the rest of your postā€¦ when you start playing classic, at level one, you are in classic content. It is different than retail. You do start the content immediately. There are no stretches throughout the experiences that are not classic content.

I have no idea why they havenā€™t implemented a transfer classic-> retail option. Nor do I need to justify why such an option needs to exist/not exist. This is a red herring argument. There are many reasons that do not apply to Classic-> TBC that do apply to that situation. Itā€™s not a fair comparison. They have always allowed a character to progress to the next expansion- even in live, you can choose not to buy BFA and then progress your legion character.


In the context of having TBC as a Server Option, it is a different game. Just like Standard.

It is. You just donā€™t like it. Blizz intends to keep Standard and Classic separate by not allowing Classic Character transfers to Standard.

If we were to override Classic (Vanilla), yes. The same way Shadowlands will override BFA.

The same way Standard does.

Correct. This is not what weā€™re talking about.

Just like Standard. Technically, Classic, as well via B-Net.

The same with Standard.

Overriding the rest of them, yes.

Because those Characters were still logged on that Server and not Classic and vice versa. Which is why I brought up Private Servers because I think thereā€™s no transferring your Vanilla Characters over to a TBC Server. Only paper trail I can find this ever happening was between Nostraluis and Elysium.

'Cause you never deleted it from the Serverā€™s existence.

Because youā€™re mentally stuck in thinking that your characters created should be intermingled with other Server options. Which is why I keep bringing up the transfer of our Classic Characters over to Standard because itā€™s the same thing. Iā€™m trying to show you what youā€™re asking.

It is not different from Standard. Youā€™re still plowing through that same content. IK youā€™re gonna bring up Azeroth post-Cata, to that I say, BC, Wrath, Mop, etc. content is still there.

Same with Standard.

Because they want to keep those games separate because theyā€™re different games.

Itā€™s not. Youā€™re asking to transferCharacers from a particular Game Server, to another.

It absolutely is a fair comparison. Youā€™re asking to transfer from a Game Server, to another, and Iā€™m using the exact same reason you are. It really doesnā€™t matter what version of WoW, weā€™re talking about.

Again, because they iverrode the other expansions. Instead of having a separate Server, for it.

And you still wonā€™t have access to any BFA content. Just like in Cata, couldnā€™t create a Goblin nor Worgen without upgrading to it.

Sure but what if at launch blizzard just clones the classic servers and makes a new set of BC. When we log in we have the option of retail, classic or classic bc.

Noone who wants vanilla gets anything reset and those who want to progress vanilla to bc get that too.


Definitely an option I didnā€™t consider but thank you for understanding me instead of lashing out at me.

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Really? Thatā€™s all I had to say? You would have accepted that the whole time?

To be clear, I just want there to be an option to carry on my progress. I donā€™t really care how itā€™s done, so long as itā€™s available. If youā€™re happy with that solution, works for me too. I donā€™t really see the difference between character copies and that, which is essentially a character copy on everyone.

I tried my best to explain it :sob:

Ever since classic was announced, this is just what I assumed would happen in the future.

You generally seem like a reasonable person :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am, I swear! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Seriously doubt it. When TBC launched for the first time plenty of people were leveling new characters. You make it sound like everyone will have every character maxed to level 60 in the next year.

Also keep in mind lots of specs and hybrids arent that viable in classic so not many people are playing them in comparison. Boom tbc hits those people that were waiting are going to make Druids, Paladins, Shamans, Priests, ect.

Except you are forgetting that people couldnā€™t transfer directly from classic to TBC back in 2007.

People would rather level with other people, not in ghost towns minus the ghosts.

Every spec is viable in classic. If you think they arenā€™t look up ā€œviableā€ in the dictionary. Regardless, most of the buffs for these specs take effect at level 50+ and donā€™t have much effect while leveling to 50. Therefore more people would still want to level on the classic servers.

I donā€™t have a classic 60 currently but Iā€™d still say they should be able to do a one-time copy of any character that existed prior to the opening of TBC servers.

Iā€™d even level a druid or something in advance of TBC opening just to copy it when they were released if they announced it.

Personally Iā€™d actually prefer a TBC megaserver rather than dealing with the same Classic server issues weā€™ve already seen play out (overcrowding followed by dead servers and people begging for free xfers). Maybe thereā€™d be fewer #nochanges people on the TBC servers so that we could have a megaserver without it being that scandalous.

I could handle this as well. One caveat though, they would have to have different battle groups from the other servers that allowed transfers over. Can not mix them because of power issues.

Well no, there were no transfers at all as servers were just upgraded.

Yes you should, it explains why meme specs arenā€™t viable.

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Well, this is accurate. Iā€™m just staying on topic with the OP. Iā€™m not against upgraded servers, just copying characters.

You are right. Holy crap. It literally says it right there. How could I not see that just because someone says something itā€™s true. Hold the door, I gotta find that singer with ocean front property in Arizona for sale.

You seem really angry ret pallies are a meme specā€¦