Right, but just look at the example you gave.
If we get TBC as their own stand alone servers they wouldn’t be adding anything to Classic at all.
Right, but just look at the example you gave.
If we get TBC as their own stand alone servers they wouldn’t be adding anything to Classic at all.
And I consider separating these Servers, to be playing that type of Game.
I’d agree, if these expansions were overriding Classic. If we’re having separate servers, that is not the case.
So, if we were to get TBC, it will override Classic? As in not having such separate servers like we do between Standard and Classic?
I’m sure if the expansions were overriding each other. As separate servers, it still makes sense to not have copy and paste Characters.
I believe it’s what referred to as “Retail”. If you’re on Classic, and you hover over the “Invite to Party” icon, in your B-Net Friend list, and they’re playing “Retail”, the game calls it “Standard”.
EDIT: Think about how we cannot Copy and Paste our Classic Characters over to Standard. Because they’re two separate games.
Well we can agree to disagree lol. I think as an MMORPG, we should be able to progress our characters in some way across to the next iteration of the game.
So Copy and Paste Classic Characters over to Standard?
I 100% agree except in the concept of “classic” servers.
My perspective is that if Classic servers don’t all progress to TBC, then it should be thought of and introduced as an entirely new/seperate game.
Pretty much. Best way I can explain what some people are asking for is a Copy & Paste of their Classic Characters to be over in Standard. Instead of it being Standard, they want it for TBC Servers (that are separate from Classic Servers). I’m just showing the level of what their request means.
Again, if TBC is not coming in the form of “Fresh Servers” and just overrides Classic, I’ll understand why a “clean slate” makes no sense.
I see going into TBC as there just being TBC realms in the realm list when you select Classic WoW. When you launch Classic WoW, you are launching the Classic iterations of the game. From there you will have a range of servers to choose from, either vanilla or tbc.
I see it as one and the same. You two don’t and that’s fine. I guess we will see what ends up happening.
In the end, regardless of what happens, I will be playing on TBC servers even if they are completely fresh because that’s just what I prefer and I can justify it if it means playing my favorite iteration of the game.
100% agree.
I have my preference, but however they choose to do it, I’ll be there.
Separated by 15 years of changes and the reworking of most of the games systems and the map as a whole. Vanilla - TBC is the natural progression, separated by mere days near the end, and using all the pre-existing systems and map, simply with additions or, expansions, if you will.
This was my same thought process, as well, when it came to Classic, in the first place. That I would just select to play WoW and can choose “Vanilla”. That’s not how it works.
You’re selecting Standard WoW or Classic (meant for Vanilla) WoW. There’s no transfer of Characters from Classic to Standard and vice versa. In order for your vision to work, TBC will have to override Vanilla. Just like Shadowlands will override BFA. Just like BFA overrode Legion. And so on and so forth.
Unfortunately, they are not. Not unless TBC overrides Vanilla.
It’s the reality of the situation.
There’s only three options:
I’m trying to show you the level of what you’re requesting. You’re just not understanding.
Nothing at all is confirmed or denied at this stage. So it’s not really the reality of the situation. There’s no reason why we cannot have 2.0 servers (tbc with dark portal closed) and be able to transfer our existing classic characters over to them. They are able to coexist without them being completely separate games.
If blizzard wants us to have the option to carry our existing characters over to tbc realms, then there are definitely ways of doing that.
I’m merely arguing why it still makes sense to not have a Copy & Paste of our Characters, in a scenario of separate Game servers. Which they are separate Game Servers. Standard Wow is its own separate Game server just like Classic. I just want you to understand where I’m coming from because I do not deny having Copy & Paste of our Characters. Not having the Copy & Paste is still plausible, in the scenario of separate Game Servers. I’m going to hunt down the more proper explanation. Because IK what you’re talking about, and its incorrect information to go into Standard WoW Server, in order to play Classic WoW.
Yeah I don’t think we are on the same page here at all. Retail wow does not exist to me. I’m only talking about classic wow. Yes retail and classic are completely separate. That doesn’t mean classic vanilla and classic TBC have to be as well.
Likewise, and it’s been some time, since this conversation was explained, to me. Hopefully, somebody else who understands what I’m saying, can explain it a lot better than I can. When it comes to having “Legacy Server Options”. These “Options” will not be found on your “Server List”, under any of the WoW Games. Only from the B-Net Launcher.
It’s dead, to me, as well, but don’t think about its Content. Think about how its being hosted, on its own Server. Separate from Classic.
We’re actually not talking about Classic WoW. We’re talking about hosting TBC Servers either as a separate Server Option, on the B-Net list (which does separate it away from Classic) or overriding Classic. As in, it doesn’t get its own Server Option, but Classic progresses to TBC. Just like Shadowlands will to BFA. And if Copy & Pasting our Characters on a separate Game server, over to another separate Game server. Or not going through the hassle of doing a Copy & Paste.
They are separate Server Options, yes.
Correct. This doesn’t mean TBC must be a separate Server option, in the B-Net List.
EDIT: IK what you’re talking about 'cause I thought this exact same way about Classic. That we can just go into WoW, normally and select Standard or Classic through there, but that’s not how it works.
EDIT 2: Believe me, I am on YOUR side!
EDIT 3: Septic, please, I consider you one of my favorite Posters around here. Please, just understand what I’m trying to tell you! <3 T_T
I’m normally pretty quick at understanding.
So the way you think it will work is when you open the launcher and click on WoW version drop down section, you’ll be able to select from either retail, classic or tbc? and they will be completely separate games and will not correlate with each other at all?
Or it could be separate in the games section like the other battlenet games?
Yes. Not what I think, that’s how it actually works.
Even if we weren’t talking about a TBC Server option. We could be talking about a Cata Server option. And I’ll say the same thing.
You cannot select a Classic Server, through Standard’s Server list, like actually in the Game (not B-Net). And vice versa. Shadowlands will not be a Server option. It’s overriding BFA. Are we making some progress here?
Okay, yeah I can see where you are getting at. Choosing a WoW version and then the account, just the same as we do now.
That’s why a separate TBC Server option with no Copy & Paste Characters still makes sense. It doesn’t if Classic proceeds to TBC, and it’s not a Server option. Am I making more sense, now?
Being that the leveling experience will be different with the addition of zones and 2 new races. You will have blood elves and Dreanei. It would not be the classic world. This would be BC leveling. It would be stand alone. If they used the same servers and used TBC as an extension there would no longer be classic. This would anger some and be against the whole idea of classic. So being that it would change the game fundamentally and end classic the expansion on same server is not applicable.
To copy paste character might be a way, not the way I like. I would definitely strip the character of everything. Professions, gold, armor, and items. To much stuff has been ill gotten gains in classic for me to stomach wealth transfer. So leveling might be a better option because you will be doing professions over again. This is just my opinion. Also if you transfer your character its deleted from the classic servers.
I prefer the Stand alone TBC as its separate game entirely. Forced fresh start. Everyone starts equally. NO LAYERING. This will keep classic classic and people can build a new community for TBC and a new refreshed fairness that plagued classic for the first couple months and still has a stain on the brand.
As with most things the obvious choice is both, add servers for people to continue on and add servers for those wanting to roll fresh, don’t let them transfer between one another