Should Raid Titles be FOMO?

First, X to doubt.

Second, def one of the most sad things I’ve read on the internet omegalul.


I just got my ‘smelly’ title and I wear it proudly.

Nah, keep it. You’ll need it to clean up after you imagine someone whispering you about your title again lol.

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Oh I am fine. I will just keep explaining FOMO to crybabies.

It is what people who play the game do.

You people cry like voting for Kennedy was FOMO.

Yeah, only the people at the time were able to do it. Cry about it.


Cutting Edge doesn’t give a title.

You’re welcome.

I’m for exclusive rewards, bud.

But putting yourself on a pedestal over them is hilarious.

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While i never advocate for things to be removed from the game (actual items and content), i think that current boss kill titles being removed when the tier is over makes perfect sense. What good is a FoS in your achievement tab, i’d much prefer a title that you can proudly wear.

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Yup, I was there when the thing happened.

That isn’t a pedestal. Just a fact.

And when people ask, I answer.

The facts may offend you, but I could not care less.

There are things I missed out on - and I am OK with it. I did not put in the effort, or play with the Trading Cards, or what ever.

Other people did. Good for them.

Yeah, yeah, do what you gotta do to make use of those tissues. You need them more than me for one reason or another.

To offer to you clowns. On these forums, there are many of you. Always wrong, and Blizzard thankfully ignores your rancid bleating.

There’s really no need to be so caustic.

Short answer…no they shouldn’t be. FOMO is so stupid. It’s fine for the world first mythic kills but the others no

oh right. It is the hall of fame that does.

Which I mean, is kinda the same thing at least for the first 200 guilds anyway.

ROFL this cracked me up. Quote of the day :slight_smile:

Hall of Fame titles are attached to the guild, not the character. If you aren’t in the guild anymore, you lose access to the title.

That is kinda stupid. Guilds die all the time.

I don’t care about titles but I do care about my Black Proto Drake that was not something easy to get and I think that should stay unique for those who go it back in the day.

“Famed Slayer of…” isn’t a title everyone can get or will ever have. I think that’s good enough. Some sort of Title for killing an expansion boss is fine even after, I don’t see an issue with it.
I dont get why you’re using the term “FOMO” to describe a raid title going away but whatever.

Most modern raid titles are for everyone when the content is outdated.