And that’s why a good system is zero-sum, so that every bit of rank you lose is exactly the same as the amount you gain. There’s nothing to gain in throwing games other than slowing your ranking.
I was being sarcastic.
This whole bitter pill would go down a lot easier if we could just admit most premader’s are degenerate scum and didn’t blatantly seek to be venerated for it.
Perhaps I misunderstand you. Are you suggesting to ditch the classic pvp system altogether, and replace it with a ranking system?
I’ve suggested it dozens of times so far.
It’ll never happen in Classic, of course, but it’s a shame Blizzard even put this version of PVP in the game at all.
Oh, then sure.
You’re absolutely right, completely reworking the pvp system could work. I’ll go as far as to say it’s probably the only solution that DOES work. A system that only cares about how much honor, and never about how you get said honor, will always be optimized. And the optimal honor/hour almost always feels terrible to play for someone. In this case, the people on the receiving end providing the honor.
And you’re absolutely right, they’ll never do it because it’s way too big of a change for a game they consider to be a remake.
I thought you were trying to be constructive instead of suggesting things you know they’ll never do. My bad.
You’re never going to get seperate “brackets” in classic wow.
The reward structure is tied only to honor, there are no seasons, there is no last season pvp gear.
Everyone knows it’s 100% more difficult to win premade vs premade compared to pug v pug. You cannot have the only existing reward structure favor casual play unless you completely remove rewards from casual pvp (this includes rep and honor). We all know the people fighting for “pug v pug” games wouldn’t want this. They want all the rewards with none of the work.
There is no constructive in Classic because they most likely aren’t going to do anything. So yes, your bad in being complacent and allowing things to stay bad.
The most constructive thing that can be done by the players is to stop playing. Then Blizzard might start listening.
Why would I stop playing when I am enjoying the game?
Just because you wanted something completely different than what they said they were doing, does not mean everyone else did.
you were told you’d get classic warts and all
did you not understand how the pvp system worked?
its a clear indicator that entitled complainers would rather cry to a non-existant dev team after they were told this is wha tthey were getting rather than just make friends on a mp game.
if you want to force things and play solo, you deserve to lose. its a team game. make friends. stop whining over something you can resolve yourself.
We asked for it and they delivered.
You have another version of WoW, with TBC on the way. Please respect Classic’s design intent.
That’d be fine if PuG honor were kneecapped into oblivion. You can get your wins for funsies.
Shut up and take my money!
Right so we should knee cap premade honor as well when they beat pugs. No reason to give people easy mode honor right?
Team game. Coordinated teams shouldn’t be penalized, solo queuers thinking they deserve even rank 10 need to suck it up and premade or sit there at low rank. This is the game’s design. Deal with it or quit.
Did you not understand what “Full” server means.
For the record, I’m fine with the Premade meta. Just hilarious when people argue bad faith when it suits them and state how they desire warts and all, yet don’t mind changes in place when it suits them. After all, layers are only a temporary change.
Maybe roughly 1/2 of the Classic timeframe thus far should have had PUG v PUG and Premade v Premade, since it would only have been temporary as well.
did you not understand what the global pandemic did to the planet?
layering is a temporary measure to prevent people from waiting 5 hours in line to play a video game.
comparing layers to making major gameplay changes is patently absurd
Layers are a major change. What is temporary? So major changes are okay if they are temporary? Even lead Blizzard employees have stated layers should have never existed along with elements of vanilla. Gonna be cool to have multiple gongs getting rung on certain servers.
Regardless of the catalyst, Full servers always have the possibility of being queued. They still are to this day, my company won’t be returning until EOM September and many large corporations have set similar tentative ETAs for return. We are also going into the first Classic summer, meaning populations may well continue to cause massive queues. Even Blizzard failed to recognize how long this will last and reverted to layers again.
When AQ drops, if multi-hour queues result, will layers be okay or will you wait the multiple hours to get in and possibility miss the event since the catalyst is no longer ‘unpredictable’?
Your temporary change very well may last the majority of Classic’s lifetime.
But you know, no issue using retail features when it suits. Megaservers are antithetical to vanilla gameplay. Queues should have been maintained as a catalyst to move people off mega servers via transfers; a retail feature to support retail sized servers should have never been implemented.
I’d say having multiple virtual copies of a server to segment and facilitate mega servers, along with the host of changes that result such as multiple world boss spawns, rare node spawns, world buff opportunities, and layer hopping to avoid PvP or reset farm areas, are a larger change overall than split queues.
And this is patently hilarious.
It seems you thought you did, but well, you know.
Alliance have a choice to make, pug and hope that Others on the team didn’t come in with welfare greens/ are bots who are solely there to afk at stables, or premade and know that every one that is on your team is on the same page. Premade eliminate bots/ afkers, which because of queue times, tend to be more alliance focused. It’s fairly obvious when someone makes complaints about being put up against premade its most likely a horde player that doesn’t see it from both sides. You don’t need a retail avatar to hide the faction that you main.
Alliance would realize how bad they are at pvp though if they coudnt 10v1 people
cant have that
The pugs are on a team too though, the only difference is one team is prepared to synchronize all their cooldowns and buffs and engineering, the others are just random joes who are probably looking for vanilla pvp experience and not get 10v1’d the moment they spawn.
rank 12+ premade vs pug isnt pvp, its like a grown adult man whos 6 feet tall beating up a teenage boy whos like 5’5 and thinking hes stronger than him.
If people want to rank past 12/13 they should have to go up against rank 10 or greater and shoudnt be able to be a “Warlord” by killing noobs.