Should PUGS fight Premades?

Yeah it’s pretty obvious he’s just trying to rationalize that he “deserves” for things to be this way and it’s other people’s “fault” that they don’t have it as easy as he does.

The funny thing is I don’t even PvP, I’m an impartial outside observer calling him on his crap, and he has to make up straw man assumptions about me regarding PvP. Hilarious.

Foundation of sand.

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I’m an impartial observer as well. I got to rank 11 on my mage and rank 8 on my warrior.

And I did it on premades like a normal person.

Wwwwwoooooo that’s some bad faith arguing right there, lol

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Yes, this is how the original system worked. This is Classic.

At least be honest about trying to protect your own interests. Don’t try to dress it up lol


This is a clear indicator of someone profiting off of a broken system and refusing to give up their edge

It’s the only argument premades have


It is a damn good argument. Premades have the best teams, pugs have the worst teams, pugs get rolled endlessly in a team vs team game and can’t rank.

“Premade fights target creature.”

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I have a far better idea.

Seeing as we have to fight an entire two battlegroups worth of servers because of xrealm bgs, let us queue xrealm premades as well. That would alleviate the issue with dead/low pop or servers who don’t run premades, as well as people who can’t get into their server’s premade teams due to them being full of the class they play.



…This is actually a great idea. Make a subsection of the Classic forums dedicated to finding PvP teams and allow them to queue cross server. I didn’t think of that.

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Premades get more honor simply because they tend to win more, they don’t need bonus honor on top of that.


Which is why the system is fine as it is. Premades win and get good honor per hour while pugs lose and get bad honor per hour. If you’re going to separate the queues you need to give premades bonus honor.



Well what would be fair would be to remove honor from premades when they beat pugs. That would deincentivize them from pug farming.

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Do you mean removing honor when you graveyard farm? I can get behind that, actually. I don’t see how it could be implemented but it would discourage premades from sitting in a match and just killing people over and over.

Sure, it’s just that simple.

Believe what you want, I gave my opinion. Take it or leave it.

It is that simple.

Believe what you want, I gave my opinion. Take it or leave it.

The answer is simple - form your own premade.

Make friends, find a guild, prostrate yourself to the group lead, farm gold, farm/buy consumes, farm buffs, be at least 2/3 BiS, have achieved a specified rank, commit to a demanding schedule, verbally fellate X streamer, coordinate bracket stacks, have 4 alts that get 15 hks, and…

If you put some thought into it though, this is a non-solution. People who want to play premades are in premades. People who don’t, aren’t. Also, a solution that depends upon the cooperation and availability of however dozen many other players vs just a simple change in how the queue works is pretty silly.

It’s worthless, as usual.

If you leave the ranking/honor system for gear in place as is, here’s what a matchmaking system does.

The people who are trying to get the gear lose games quickly on purpose to drop rank, then stomp the teams that actually belong at that rank for fast honor. Without a benefit to keeping rank high, players will game the system and the classic rank system only cares about how much honor you get in a week.

but sure, all they need to do is add mmr matchmaking. It’s so easy. Can’t be abused at all.