Should multiboxing be allowed

If that were my only argument, which it isn’t, it would still be more than what you are offering which is basically “I don’t like it therefore it shouldn’t be allowed”.

But go ahead, keep going with the buzz words. Character assassination. LOL

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They can put as many as the rules allow for.

Nice try.

It is fair that everyone “can” do it.

He’s complaining that it isn’t fair because he “chooses” not to do it.

Again, life is not fair. There is nothing sleazy or unethical about multi-boxing.

It also makes PvP players rage, so that is also a beautiful thing.

You can argue until you’re blue in the face, but that isn’t going to make you right about multi-boxing. Ever.

Have a great night.

A person playing 12 hours per day has an advantage over someone who plays 6 hours per week.

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No they can’t one team gets a number there can’t be two of the same car with the same number on the road. They do this for this reason exactly it wouldn’t be proper sportsmanship.

Um, that’s what I said. They can put as many driver’s as the rules allow for. If that means 1 driver/vehicle per team than that’s what they do based on the rules.

That doesn’t negate the fact that a team putting more money into their driver and vehicle have an advantage.

They can not put two drivers at the same time on the road that is the point being made they don’t allow it because it wouldn’t be proper sportsmanship.

Money will not replace raw skill in this scenario because it’s still one on one if money could put an extra driver on the road that could run into the other guy is that fair because that’s what multiboxing is.

I would agree with this analogy if someone had more than 1 character on 1 account going at the same time.

Money puts the driver in the seat more often during off season training. Money puts a stronger engine in the vehicle. Money gets a better pit crew that is more efficient at stops.

Cars don’t work that way you won’t have a best part that does everything drivers have personal preferences if they were all the same there wouldn’t be brands. You could relate that to having specs not all of them do the same thing but you pick the one you like best. There is also a limit you can’t buy a better engine than everybody else the rules already cover that scenario.

Money will not guarantee the best pit crew nor will it guarantee the best driver lets take Micheal Schumacher want to take a guess how he started learning to drive? He started on a go-kart to becoming what people consider the greatest F1 driver of all time money does not create talent you can’t throw money at somebody and expect them to be the best.

Multi-boxing will not guarantee a “win” in WoW …

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Yes it will when it gets you four people against 1. Sheer numbers will absolutely get you a win when four spells are cast on you at once while you get one no amount of tactics or talent will get around this.

Not always. Just like in the base game, certain situations lend advantage to one side more than the other. But there are never any guarantees in WoW. A 40-character AV team with a 5-toon multi-boxer isn’t guaranteed a win that round.

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That’s all fine and dandy, but 1v1 the person with 4 accounts is going to beat the person with 1 every single time. If I go up with my pally to four shaman not even being a strong defensive character is going to save me from that I will be forced to walk the other way because there is nothing I can do.

The main issue is that this advantage comes with money that is where I have the problem. I can get around having less gear because that’s something I can go out and earn I shouldn’t be having to compete with my opponents bank account.

How is that different from any other 4v1?

Um…you don’t. The game doesn’t require you to do anything that a multi-boxer will prevent you from doing.

How does a multi-boxer affect your ability to raid or do dungeons?

In the open world, how does your 1 character who happens upon a group of 5 of the other faction fair any better than when you happen upon a 5-toon multi-boxer?

Raids and dungeons are not the whole game and aren’t the big draw for me PvP is.

I’ve answered the last point multiple times when the advantage comes with money I have a problem with it because money should not be a deciding factor in whether I win or lose. The first scenario can’t be helped because that is the nature of an mmo, but the second one should have been one guy I seen in the open world and be able to attack and have a shot at winning which I can’t because he spent money.

Neither is PvP.

World PvP is unfair, multi-boxers or otherwise.

Your ability to do PvP will not be compromised because someone forked out additional funds to have several characters on different accounts. You’re going to be inconvenienced if you run into an opposing group you can’t beat, again, multi-boxer or otherwise.

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My ability to do PvP will be compromised because that group of four should have been one person that I could have killed but couldn’t because he multiboxed. That guy multiboxing made it so that I had to walk away instead of doing PvP he has directly compromised my ability to do PvP by paying money.

Again, how is that different from running into any other group?

You’re argument seems to be revolving around 1v1 world PvP. Which, again, has no guarantees and, again, is not “fair/balanced”.

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