I’ve stated the reason multiple times it’s clear you’re just ignoring it.
Let me make it clear that one person who is multiboxing would have been one person to fight out in the field but isn’t because he paid for it. He isn’t a group he is one person and that is what he should be in the game money should not buy you protection.
Sure, because you’re not ignoring reasons to accept boxing.
I’ve heard your argument, here it is:
“I don’t think multi-boxing should be allowed”
Does it affect my ability to do Raids?
Does it affect my ability to do dungeons?
Does it affect my ability to do instanced PvP?
Does it affect my ability to RP?
Does it affect my ability to wPvP?
Only in a situation that “should have been” 1v1, but maybe not because there is no guarantee that I would win 1v1 anyway but I may have a better chance.
Not just that one situation any situation if it was 5v5 and one person on the other team was multiboxing it isn’t a 5v5 anymore anywhere in world PvP.
It’s clear you can’t deny that it’s scummy and have now resorted to attempting to downplay it as if that is an argument.
Let’s go through all your points if you can call them that.
Does it affect my ability to do raids?
No I don’t plan to roll on a PvP server for raids if I wanted to play WoW for raids I would just roll on a PvE server.
Does it affect my ability to do dungeons
See above
Does it affect my ability to do instanced PvP
Why does this matter? If something doesn’t affect every aspect of the game then it’s fine? Great lets add transmog then because that doesn’t affect your ability to do raids or dungeons see how that logic doesn’t work in practice?
Does it affect my ability to RP
Actually yes it does when I’m crusading as a paladin and fighting the horde it kills immersion when the people I’m fighting aren’t actually there and it’s one guy using four accounts with a credit card. If I wanted to fight against computers I’d just do PvE hard to feel like I’m at war with another faction when they’re not even there.
Does it affect my ability wPvP
Yes in more than just one situation which I described above. WPvP is the biggest draw for me so when a person with a credit card ruins it for me I have a problem with it and clearly so do many others who do PvP.
I’ve never stated that money wasn’t a factor. I did, however, state it wasn’t the ONLY factor. You downplay (see? I can do it too) those other factors and immediately go back to $$$.
It’s the main factor you really think Blizzard cares about any other possible reason as to why it should stay? Tell them that guy is now paying $60 a month instead of $15 that is all they need to hear. What other factor do you think Blizzard actually cares about that would influence their decision other than making a lot more money I genuinely want to know.
That’s not an assumption the overall goal of a company is to make money so when this directly affects that it’s going to be the main thing that influences their decision.
Well, yeah. Can’t have a company without making money. But you also can’t have a company if you don’t have customers. If enough customers said they didn’t like Blizzard’s practices and didn’t give Blizz any more of their money, Blizz is likely to change their practices (we saw this with flying in WoD).
Let’s assume you’re correct and it’s only about the money:
Blizz employee #1: “OK we have a guy that wants to buy 10-accounts and play them all at once. He’s not automating. Should we let him?”
Blizz employee #2: “There are those 3 people who said they’d quit if we allowed multi-boxing”
Blizz employee #1: “Meh, can’t please everyone. I’ll take 10 over 3 anyday”
Make a shard for multiboxing only.
Put a limit on the number of accounts allowed on regular shards.
While I don’t agree that multiboxing should be removed. I am all for a 5 account or less cap.
I plan to multibox for dual spec and to gear my own twinks with dungeon runs.
Might do a bit of 2 toon wpvp but it’s not really my main goal with it. /shrug
See how it goes.
I wilk say it’s fun forming groups to take on multiboxers.
No reason to stop letting them know that 1.12 is a step away from the spirit of vanilla. Rather like not letting them forget that many MANY old players want the earlier versions of AV.
It doesn’t violate ToS but it is cheesy, looks ridiculous and basically is like waving a flag that says “Hey its me I am a huge tool with small amounts of friends if any”