Should mounts only go to top performers?

It most certainly could. Or rather the motivation could.

The story changes day to day depending on who hes trying to trigger


Guild leader tax usually takes the first mount if its 100% drop rate guaranteed,

After that any others are rolled out to anyone raider rank ect (just excluded trials)

Rare 1% drop mounts of GDKP’d money goes to guild bank and funds everyone’s repairs :slight_smile:

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everyday a new fan fic from this guy… id be surpsied if he even played the game at all lol

Lol blizzard removed my comment about flagging this post for spam, what a joke

There is no obtainable mounts in the game right now that a raid can farm that merit any sort of award system, so I don’t buy this post for a minute. 100% of your raid will have the mount before long, Sarth 3D drops are just warbear 2.0.

I’m assuming your GM and officers are all these spots. It’s disgusting behavior.

Yeah im def leaving the guild.

just ninja roll it and watch the 30 to 40 year old men rage like children


He’s going to claim this wouldn’t happen if there was RDF.


Guild quit

I’m convinced you don’t play the game given you post 100+ times a day on these forumes.

Stop making fake scenarios for reactions.

As someone who’s always at bottom of the dps charts yes of course it should go to top but if it’s a tight nit guild and as soon as the top have the mounts then it should just be rolled on but yes top always comes first and if the officers take it without question leave I’m sorry but just because your a officer doesn’t mean you deserve the mount over the dps who has worked his arze off to be top

Being an officer of a guild is literally thankless work. You get crap whenever things go wrong and no one thanks you for anything you do to keep the guild running. That being said, the rest of the guild being ticked off at you for wanting a mount isn’t worth it.

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Im not the biggest raider i usually only do pvp but i thought raid mounts are 100% drop rate so when guilds would farm it they would just roll out each time it dropped, like mythic jaina mount and i think the sylvanas one works like that too. I think your guild might be trying to take slight advantage over its players similar how to a classic guild would use master loot to funnel all gear into a tank or funneling all boes into the guild bank

They aren’t unfortunately. They’re 1%ish drop rate. What that means as far as who gets what is completely on the guild.

For my guild we agreed if ashes dropped we were going to give it to our raid leader for all the countless hours he put in pulling us through raids. But each guild is different.

Pretty common practice for most guilds. You funnel tanks for threat and survivability. You take unwanted BOEs and sell for guild repair funds.

Idk how yours was doing it but that’s pretty common

My thoughts are that your leadership is trash and you should find a new guild.

They aren’t interested in compensating performers. They’re interested in bettering their chances at winning mounts.

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we gave our first 25man 3D mount to the girl priest in our guild who always fill when we need her and she never expect to receive any bis gear. as she’s pretty casual about raiding she’s always happy to tag along when she can.
She’s been chasing achievement and mounts since launch and its safe to say it was the good decision. No need to be a top parser for it.

GM actually decided on the spot that it would go to her and he put it up to a vote.
Literally everyone in the raid typed 1 to confirm the decision.

It was pretty wholesome


Mounts should go to the GM. He is doing the worst job in any video game

I would Gquit right then and there. No shot mounts are LC’d. Especially to the top dps that is retarded. You can have a fury warrior in bis popping off getting top parses but getting outbeat by a decently geared Lock just because they are stronger right now how would that make sense?